
Ahead of Success

By Olivia Truesdale (Martial Thevenot  Editor)

Former British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, has been attributed to saying, “Success is not final; failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.”

While the facts are such that he never actually said anything of the sort, it would have been very fitting to his reputation if he had!

Many of us know him for the position he held during World War II, but it is a little-known fact that he also was actively involved in the first World War. History probably wants you to forget about that part because it did not go very well.

He actually helped plan several *UNSUCCESSFUL* battles. Of course, today we only remember him for the leadership position he held during the early 1940s and the important role he played in helping the Allies win World War II. So how did he go from a seeming failure to a national (and international) hero and inspiration?

In a simplest of ways, he “had the courage to continue”. He didn’t let his failures define him. If he had, we would not likely be living in the world we know today.

Unfortunately, the opposite is also true, as expressed by this (misquoted) quote: “Success is not final.” Often, after succeeding in something, we find ourselves “coasting”.  After a “big win”, many people tend to slow down, relax, and “celebrate”. Now, there is nothing wrong with congratulations when they are in order, but it becomes a problem when we use our success as a reason to take our foot off the gas. “Oh, I finished that yesterday. I don’t have to worry today.”

Of course, it’s perfectly acceptable to take a break after a big success, sharpen the axe so to speak… unless it becomes a constant excuse. Sometimes we push ourselves so far backwards after a success that we wind up worse than before!

The easiest and most common example of this can be found in dieting. “I was really healthy yesterday. I did all my workouts; I ate well. I guess that means that I can have junk food and skip my workout today!” And when that attitude drags on for days, we can end up undoing all of our hard work. Yikes!  Sound familiar?

So how do we overcome this?

While the answer can be simple, it can also be much easier said than done. “Just do it.” (Huh, that sounds coincidentally like the motto for a popular brand of athletic wear.) I know it’s cheesy, but hear me out.

No one can force you to persevere after you succeed. Others can motivate you, but you are the biggest determiner of whether or not you are going to continue to evolve after a big success (or a big failure, for that matter).

You are the only one who has control of your actions. All that to be said, it is helpful to have a strong support system surrounding you, encouraging you to keep going and persevere towards reaching your next goal and your next success. This could be friends, family, or anyone else who has the same goals as you.

At Team Perka, we would love to be a part of helping you achieve your building goals!

Whether you need a building for your new startup business, are looking to build your dream home, or trying to find a place to store animals or equipment or toys, we can help. While we can’t say that we have seen everything, we can say that we have definitely seen a thing or two! 

Contact us for a consultation! Even if you don’t purchase from us, we love to help, as we know that good begets good.

(Of course we would also love it if you did purchase from us, because we want to get to know all the super cool we can and collaborate on great dreams and successes!)

Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook, visit our website, and let us know how we can become part of your next big triumph, as we would are always happy to support and help ensure that you keep succeeding in whatever is important to you!


Building Dreams

Every year our family and friends remember and celebrate a man who “had a dream”.

This holiday, observed the third Monday in January, is more than just a day off for some folks … (typically and a day when banks, libraries, and post offices are closed).

During our many current social challenges, Martin Luther King Junior’s messages become even more significant for us all to reflect on.

I’m sure we all have a basic idea of the life and work of this famous man, but just why do we get/take that day off, especially when a lot of people still barely even acknowledge the day’s purpose?

Martin Luther King, Jr., was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia to a pastor and former teacher. At age 15, he skipped high school and went directly to college, where he studied law, medicine, and eventually theology. Though he had not planned to, he followed the legacies of his father and grandfather, eventually becoming a pastor in 1954. That same year, the Supreme Court decided the Brown vs. Board of Education case, ultimately concluding that segregation in schools was unconstitutional. The next year, on December 1, Rosa Parks was arrested for a display of protest when she refused to give up her bus seat to a white person. In 1956, the Supreme Court determined that segregated buses were unconstitutional as well. At that time, Martin Luther King, Jr., was already becoming well-known for promoting civil rights and racial equality.

There had already been one attempt made on his life, as well as attacks to his home. But MLK didn’t let that stop him. Throughout his life, he organized several boycotts and peaceful protests to raise awareness for his cause and even won a Nobel Peace Prize. He also led hundreds of people from Selma, Alabama, to Montgomery, Alabama, to promote voting rights and discourage racism in the state. He was quite successful in his cause, as his “Selma to Montgomery March” prompted Congress to pass the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which further promised voting rights to African Americans.

But, of course, Martin Luther King, Jr., was a man most famous for his dream, that is, his “I Have a Dream” speech. Delivered in 1963, this speech displayed MLK’s optimistic outlook and hope for the future, a future that would be better than what came before him.

He “had a dream” that people’s value would be based on what kind of person they were, not on how they looked. Though he was assassinated in 1968, that dream lives on, and that is why, on the third Monday of January, many take a day off to contemplate a man who never got to see his dreams fulfilled but continued to hope in them anyway.

Whatever your dream may be, we here at Team Perka want to help you build it into a reality. Our teammates are always happy to consult on any and all of your building needs, (and they are full of fun facts and relevant anecdotes, much like the ones you read in this article).

For more interesting articles like this one, be sure to check back regularly on our blog and to stay up to date on what we’re doing.

Be sure to contact us to let us know how we can help you. And don’t forget, in the words of MLK, that the time is always right to do what is right”. Have a blessed day!


Resolutions That Last

As the start of another year rolls around, we may find ourselves thinking about the events of the previous year. What went right, what went wrong, what went and never came back, etc. Right?

But for many, a new year is also a reminder that our “supply” of years, months, days, hours, minutes, even seconds are not limitless.

Sure, we may have done good if not even great things in the past year.  But how much time did we waste in those 365 days? Benjamin Franklin once said, “Lost time is never found again.”

That sentiment can be felt much more acutely when we pause to realize that another year is gone, and maybe not as much was done with it as we intended back on Jan 1, 2020!

So around New Year’s Day, most people often decide they want to make positive changes. Raise what you already have or are about to be , writing up resolutions or intentions or goals?  Have you?  Of course, the challenge with these resolutions, as anyone can tell you, is that they typically don’t last.

Perka’s founder, Ed Thevenot, started with his first “sale” (a packet of garden seeds) when he was twelve years old, and he never stopped selling. In his life as a salesman, he was devoted to finding things that did last and would even grow (like those seeds!).

He was dedicated to discovering what was best not only for him and his businesses, but his family, friends, community, the environment, and, most importantly, what was best for his client. That’s why, in late 1980, he decided to start his own “family” business.  And his product of choice? Perka Buildings.

He was the brainchild and creator of Perka’s unique, “hybrid”, wood-and-steel design building system.  Buildings that are intentionally designed to be a “S.A.F.E.R.” (strong, affordable, flexible, easy, and resilient) choice, AND thereby of great value and long lasting.  (They will last much longer than your New Year’s resolution!)

In fact, we are so confident in the strength and stability of our structures that we have just increased our 50-year warranty on our frames, to a LIFETIME WARRANTY!  How is that for Faith?!

 As you contemplate the past, and then the upcoming year, you may be looking to devote more time and resources into your children’s or grandchildren’s future, as well as your own. Perka ‘s Hybrid Buildings are a not only a great investment but will certainly make a lasting impression and appreciation on your family and whoever else you may choose to leave it to in the future.  Your Legacy!   If you are interested in getting a free no obligation consult to learn more, feel free to contact us or visit our website for more information.

  Of course, buildings can eventually wear out, and there are other, more important things which last even longer than any building or material purchase. Some of these are our ideals, core values and “promissory mottos”.

We strive to “Keep It Simple and Stress-free (K.I.S.S.)” in business, in our daily lives and in the lives of the people around us.

Our WHY is:

“To Rise and Shine every day, to be Stress-free Solution Seekers Trusting Sincere, Selfless Service” (#ssstsss)

so that we can all be healthier, Safer, more fulfilled, more secure and GIVERS.”

We started living these intentions ever more diligently after our founder’s death, and it’s because of the impact he had on this family, friends and this company.

He exhibited qualities that we should all aspire to. Qualities like dependability, industriousness, and kindness. As we are entering this new year, let’s think about the impact we’ve made on the world and ask ourselves, “Have I been kind?”

That certainly will be one of my resolutions this year. And I’m going to make sure it’s more than an ideal that I write down and forget about within the first two weeks of the new year. Because kindness lasts longer than a building, longer than a business, longer than a lifetime. Kindness can be passed down for generations, and it leaves a lasting impression and appreciation that can be OUR TRUE LEGACY!


Peace on Earth, One Customer at a Time

3… 2… 1… Happy New Year!!! That’s right, folks. 2021 is almost here, and no doubt most of us feel that we are sure ready for something new – and that is not going to be too hard since so much this year has been “new”!  YES?

Check out these last minute DIY ideas for a stay at home type of celebration! 

2020 seems as though it has brought about one messy situation after another. But is it the calendar year’s fault!?  Is it a curse or can it be a blessing?  How we respond and deal with it can make a huge difference.

(Does anyone even remember those Australian fires from January? How about those murder hornets?)

Just because the Earth has made another rotation around the Sun does not mean that everything will just “go back to normal”. Humans have always been faced with challenges and problems (aka opportunities), ever since the very first people walked the Earth.

That is why it is so important to stay connected to friends and family.

This year, more than ever, we might be most served by and for each other in order to keep ourselves positive (and sane). Your friends and family may be a phone call away, a long car ride away, or even a socially-distant-and-masked airplane ride away. No matter the distance, we believe in the significance of strong, caring relationships. The slower times around the holidays are the perfect time to reach out to our loved ones and let them know how much we care.

But maybe this message doesn’t necessarily apply to you. Maybe your loved ones live too far away, and you are unable to be with them. Perhaps the pandemic of 2020 has taken its toll on those who are dear to you. Maybe you even lost a loved one.  May Peace be with you. 

It is possible too that you have just grown apart. Change and pain can be quite problematic aspects of human life (even though very normal), and we would like you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and all those who are facing challenges this holiday season.

At Team Perka, we care deeply about our teammates, our friends, our neighbors, and our families. Do you know who else we deeply care about? You!!! You, our fellow man/woman, our potential new personal friend-to-be, are one of the driving causes of what we do.

You are the highest priority of our business.  You are at the TOP of our Team’s organizational chart! 

If there is ever anything we can do from and with the growing resources of experience, “tools” and solution seeking creativity related to almost any sort of “building” question – that we can share, to give you a better experience in any way shape or form, feel free to contact us. Do you need help with a building solution or consultation, even if a Perka Hybrid Building is NOT your first choice? Let us know.

Or you are just not sure where to start? We can help!

Also have you had great a great experience while working and co-creating solutions with us? We would LOVE to hear it! And even if your experience was less than the best, please let us so we can improve. One of our inner team hashtags is #CSI!! Standing for Continuous Sustainable Improvement.  So we welcome ALL the feedback we can get to be able to do that to the MAX!!

We would love to partner with you to make your building project simpler, more stress free and/or easier so you are happier and freer to do what YOU love to do best.

After all, another of our many guiding mottos is “Keep It Simple and Stress-free (K.I.S.S.)”!

In other words, and in the spirit of the holidays, we hope to make as big a contribution to “peace on earth and goodwill to all” as we possibly can — even by one client at a time.


Giving Thanks!

Welcome back to the Perka blog!

Today, we are going to be talking about one of America’s favorite holidays. (Here is a hint: It’s happening “NOW” – at least at time of this writing!) That is right; we’re talking about Thanksgiving. Giving Thanks!! 

Though it is not a distinctly American holiday, here in the United States, it is celebrated it, in a fashion, as only Americans can.  It’s actually one holiday of the year that is truly and purely ALL DENOMINATIONAL, regardless of race, creed, religious belief or otherwise; – THANK YOU can be practiced by, literally, EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN – let alone HUMAN BEING!!

So there’s no wonder it’s such a popular holiday. It is a day off work that is typically used primarily to gather with friends and family, and EAT!

Unfortunately, some of the thankfulness often falls to the wayside during housing friends, preparing the meal, and eating until we cannot hold another bite. And, of course, this year, things are going to look quite different.  Now, is that a blessing, a curse, or both?

I’m sure I don’t need to remind anyone of that dreaded Covid-19 epidemic. It continues to wreak havoc upon our world every day. Unfortunately, because of it, many people are not going to be able to safely be with or see their families.

One would think that we just would not be in the mood for giving thanks. However, it is often the most difficult situations that makes us realize the good things all around us.

While we may not be able to go visit our loved ones this year, we live in an age of technological marvels. Anyone up for a family Zoom call? And it’s true that we won’t be able to share special holiday treats with friends and family, but at least we have food available.

(By the way, you should totally check out the delicious recipes from our last blog post!) I know that this all might sound cornier than your aunt’s special casserole, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Even in the midst of Covid-19, we’ve certainly got a lot to be grateful for.

But now, you’re probably wondering how does a Perka Hybrid Building fits into all this. At Team Perka, we pride ourselves on “keeping all we can as simple and stress-free as can be”.

While Covid-19 is not simple or stress-free, nor does it mix well with our favorite holidays, we think we’ve found a very viable stress-freeing solution.

If you have ever owned one of Perka’s unique hybrid buildings, you know how VERY spacious they can be. (They are customizable, with large free and clear spans for breathtaking rooms, and these incredible structures can be as large or as small as you please!)

And if you have never purchased a building or frame from Perka, now is the perfect time to get one! Picture this: Your whole family in one place. Easily 6-10 feet apart of need be. Thanksgiving dinner (or lunch or breakfast). Ample easy ventilation.  Great healthy sun or moon light beaming in through grand windows.  Everyone with their own “safe space”.

One of Perka’s larger buildings can become the perfect venue to gather your family and keep them safe, comfortable, and still TOGETHER? Yes, you might have to speak a bit louder to project across the room, but let’s face it. You were probably going to do that anyway.

Even if this year’s holidays don’t look “normal”, staying connected is always something to be thankful for. Whether it’s over Zoom, across the room, or using some other innovative way, we hope you find a way to enjoy the holidays with your loved ones.

And, speaking of staying connected, we would love to connect with YOU! Feel free to contact us, check out our website, or find us on Facebook. And if there is anything we can do to help you “keep it simple, safe and stress-free”, whether it’s with new holidays venue traditions or your dream building project, let us know. We would love to be a part of your journey.

One of my favorite authors says,

I’m glad that, even in the midst of these difficult times, we at Team Perka still have incredible customers, neighbors, friends, family, like you. That’s ALWAYS something we will be thankful for!


Harvest: Reaping What We Sow!

By Olivia Truesdale (Martial Thevenot  Editor)

As autumn “falls” upon us, it’s typically a time where we get to harvest or consume some of our favorite fall foods

Today, we’ll be cooking up some pumpkin, apples, and squash to launch us into the fall festivities.

Do you care to join us for some tasty recipes and a “side” of wisdom, too?

Oh, but before we begin, do you want to hear a funny fall joke? “

Why didn’t the chef want to use the pumpkin? 
Because it had been squash-ed when the car ran over it!” 

A groaner I know…   
Maybe, let’s focus on those fall recipes.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Yes! You can eat pumpkin seeds! And they’re quite delicious and simple to make. They only require a few ingredients, and you can flavor them however you want.

First, preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Scoop out the “guts” and seeds from the inside of your pumpkin. Separate them by placing them in a strainer and rinsing. Deposit your seeds into a bowl and determine how you want to flavor them! You could use salt to enhance the flavor, cinnamon, and sugar (or pumpkin pie spice!) for a taste of fall, or any of your favorite spices.

Mix the seeds with whatever seasoning(s) you want; place them on a baking sheet and bake for 15-25 minutes. Pumpkin seeds are best when eaten shortly after they’ve been baked, but they’ll stay good for at least a week, when stored in an air-tight container. Enjoy!

Homemade Apple Cider
A quintessential autumn treat this is. And now you can make it at home! All you need is a gallon of apple juice, an orange, a teaspoon of whole cloves or ¾ teaspoon ground, and a half teaspoon (or half stick) of cinnamon.

Cut the oranges into slices, being sure to leave the peel attached. If you’re feeling adventurous, you could even add a splash of orange juice to the drink. Dump all the ingredients into a slow cooker and simmer, stirring occasionally. Leave the drink in the slow cooker until it is warm enough to serve and all the ingredients are mixed well. Voila!  Serve warm for a great cozy – fuzzy feeling.

Apple Cake
Here is something you can do with all those extra apples! For this recipe, you will need the following: 4 cups of diced apples, 2 cups of sugar, 2 cups of flour, 2 eggs, ½ cup butter or oil, 2 teaspoons baking soda, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, and an optional cup of nuts.

Mix all the ingredients, and place in a 350 degree oven, allowing to bake for 35 to 45 minutes. While the cake is baking, prepare the frosting. You’ll need 6 ounces of cream cheese, 3 tablespoons of butter, 1½ cups of powdered sugar, 1½ teaspoons of vanilla, and a pinch of salt. Combine the frosting ingredients, and when the cake has cooled, top it with the cream cheese mixture. Can you taste it yet?  Yum!

Spaghetti Squash
Yes, I know that this is just a plain squash, with no fancy recipe. That’s because spaghetti squash is so delicious and creative on its own!

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, cut the squash in half, and remove the innards from each half. (But don’t throw out the seeds! You can follow the recipe for roasted pumpkin seeds, using those from your squash instead.) Drizzle the halves in olive oil, place them skin-side up, and bake for 30-60 minutes. Check them every so often to make sure you don’t overcook it. To make sure your squash is done, poke it with a fork to see if it is tender enough. Once it reaches the desired doneness, flip the halves over and scrape out the insides of your squash. It will look just like noodles! Top with your favorite pasta sauce or serve with butter and seasonings.  Simple and healthy too.  Bon Appetit!

Well, now you know what to do with some of your bountiful harvest.  Reaping what you sowed!  But you can only eat so much at one time.

So, if you are a grower, gardener, a seller, or just plain PUMPKIN ADDICT, you need a place to store all your delicious fall fruits and vegetables.

Perka has a solution for you! Our unique wood-and-steel building frames and structures have been used numerous times as barns for both produce and livestock. They can also be set up as additional living quarters, right with your “shop”.   Whatever you need!

They make for a very safe, comfortable, stress free place to sow good seeds, good thoughts, good deeds and good harvest.

Feel free to Contact us or visit our website, or our facebook page, and ask us to help in any way we can. And do not worry, we always shoot for “Keeping It Simple and Stress-Free” (#KISS) so that you can get back to doing what you love most with the people you cherish as soon as possible. 

Maybe even head on back to the kitchen and whip up some more tasty treats with your family, while resting assured that we are taking care of the stuff we LOVE TO DO MOST! 

So, we would be more than happy to help you reap MORE of the good things that you sow!  For your building. For your family. For you.



When Life Gives You Lemons

By Olivia Trusdale

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

This popular phrase is one of those “easier said than done” things. It isn’t always easy to sweeten what’s been soured, especially in the midst of the unprecedented times we’re living.

During the chaos and seeming madness, we can easily lose sight of the beauty in our everyday situations. (And sometimes, it can be really hard to find or see that beauty!) So how do we stay positive and insightful when we’re living through a literal PLAGUE PANDEMIC?!?!? And societal tensions? And a volatile economy? And don’t forget those murder hornets! 

As TEAM PERKA, we are trying our utmost to “Keep It Simple and Stress-free” (K.I.S.S) So in this article, we’re going to be sharing 5 of our favorite tips for positive, hopeful, and connected OPTIMISMS.

Tip 1: Post positive sticky notes around your work and living spaces. It’s almost impossible not to smile when you’re looking at a cheerful note, from you, for you, to you! According to a Time Magazine article, posting constant visual reminders of positive thoughts or even inspiring photos can significantly improve your mood, your outlook and increase your confidence. 

Some fun ideas for these happy little notes are “Smile!”, “It’s going to be a good day!”, and “You can do it!” You might also want to utilize your favorite quotes and Bible verses. There are endless possibilities. Focus on reviewing these positive messages frequently.  Anything that sends you happy thoughts and “good vibes” does affect the psyche. (And if your happy sticky notes are spread throughout one of Perka’s hybrid buildings, that provides an extra burst of positivity and good MOJO!

You can virtually have a quantum vortex of optimism from a quality building, affordably constructed, comfortably furnished, AND boosted by happy thoughts posted all about the premises.  How does it get better?

Tip 2: Stay connected with friends and family. Countless studies have proven that spending time with friends increases your happiness. Even though you may not be able to physically gather with the people you love, there are many other platforms that make it possible for you to stay connected. Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet are popular and fast evolving online choices.  

And there is always the old fashion phone call, postcard, letter or even a telegram!  Yes telegrams are still possible – but maybe more so as a novelty!  And of course there is a new digital app attempting to replicate the Telegram “feel” as an online chat messenger!!  

Whichever way you choose, it’s important to keep communications open with the people you care about, and with anyone you basically have a meaningful relationship with.  Just having that assurance of knowing that you aren’t alone helps you feel better about yourself and your situation. 

Also being informed in a timely fashion of any “important or change in circumstances” can totally remove uncertainty that leads to “stress”!  — The truth is, we’re all going through challenges of various degrees, right now, in real time. 

We as TEAM PERKA are also living through this very same volatile yet expanding world like you.  A GINORNOUS component of our culture – most of which pertains to creating more joy and less stress — is all about COMMUNICATING!!  WE have a “hashtag” acronym we use every chance we get —  #DWC.  No, it’s not Dancing with Canadians or Drinking with Cowboys…  it’s DON’T WAIT COMMUNICATE!!!  We would love to be a part of the stress-free solution “lemonade” making that life is presenting to you. Contact us and let us know how we can be of service!

Tip 3: Let others know that you care about them and what they’re going through. While this piece of advice is not necessarily an obvious idea to foster positivity, reaching out to others can make a big impact on your own happiness, not to mention theirs.

When you help others, something happens in our brains and heart that promotes a realization of how blessed you are, inspiring gratitude and furthering more caring generosity. Plus, investing in other people (whether it’s with your time, talents, money, words, etc.) can be extremely gratifying. And you will just feel better, knowing that you’ve made a difference in someone’s day and life. Not only does it make you feel more positive, but they grow in positivity, too, because they received kindness from you.  It creates a ripple effect. Which, if paid forward, can literally become perpetual in kinetic potential!  Try it.  If it’s not working just yet… increase the dose.   This ideal is an important element in our Team’s culture as well!

Tip 4: While it’s good to reach out to others and connect with friends and family, don’t forget to take some time for yourself, too. Taking a break and having some fun- at the appropriate times- can help you refresh, relax, recharge, reignite, refocus and thus work (or play) more efficiently, especially when it’s time to begin again on your necessary tasks.

You shouldn’t ignore your problems, but brief distractions can help you return to them with new ideas and a fresh perspective.  

Team Perka seeks to be a trusted advisor to help you look at your situation from as many perspectives as possible.   From over 200 years of combined experience from the advisor team alone – you can benefit from the wisdom that life offers from making mistakes…  and while there is a lot of training and education built in to our team – there is little to replace someone who has been through many relatable situations and has “seen a thing or two”!!

Tip 5: Stay flexible! BE flexible…  this is one of those things that is less skill and almost all ATTITUDE!!!  It’s a CHOICE!!!  Being loose, calm, open, go-with-the-flow-, NO PANIC can really make a difference when seeking out STRESS FREE SOLUTIONS! 

What is happening or is going to happen, is often just going to happen. The main thing you have control over is the way you respond to it. You can treat everything as a “problematic” challenge of extreme proportions or consequences OR you can see it as a new opportunity/way to serve and grow. 

Worry less about “if you make a mistake”, or can’t respond “on some particular time line” per se; but yes do the best you can, with the resources you have and COMMUNICATE!!  #DWC. Keep all concerned parties up to date and aware of the roadblocks, challenges or obstacles that need to be overcome!

Some things just are or are not in total synch with our moment to moment needs.   Stay calm, poised and open to any, all and even “other” solutions!   You will always receive the gift of knowing or understanding more about how to or not to possibly do or say something.  Own it. Apologize if it serves.  Make amends, reparations and KEEP MOVING.  Keep evolving.  It’s a secret to Happiness!

With TEAM PERKA, seeking to be calm, poised, reflective and specifically flexible is one of the five core values in our “S.A.F.E.R.” solution manifest.  Flexibility means adapting in the midst of difficult, changing, unexpected, unplanned, or challenging circumstances and being open when change comes to work WITH IT.  To seek out and then deploy a solution…  Own it.  But still grow with it.

Though this may sound presumptuous, we do sincerely hope that buying a new building is a change or opportunity that does comes your way.  And when that presents itself, whether it came from a lemon or not – you can be assured that our Team will be here, able and willing, to help you stay positively on track, connected to purpose, calmly caring for your situation and for YOU personally – so that we can be poised to flexibly arrive at the best, most serving, joy filled solution.   

For more information about our “Safe, Affordable, FLEXIBLE, Easy, Resilient” buildings, customer service, and company culture as a whole, contact us here.


Vertical Farming Garden Barns

Believe it or not, it looks like farming is taking an “upward turn” – and hopefully in more ways than one!!   As of this writing, crop and livestock prices were inching up.   There appears to be some good negotiations on new trade deals that will favor more Farms and Ranches.  Weather is not seeming to have as big an impact as of late. (Though that can change quickly.)  Despite the COVID, there is some optimism in the Ag world!

Throughout the history of farming, crops need several things to grow, and it is seldom ever truly predictable!  One of the newest factors that is becoming more and more difficult to have in abundance is one of the most important elements: space, land and fertile soil. 

Present day farming already takes up a huge amount of land for crops to grow.  We have more people to feed every day and therefore need more food everyday! Plus, certain lands have to “rest” to re-build their natural nutrients.  On top of that , while the population of our world keeps growing ,more and more land is being re-purposed for other uses and some even in the name of LOVE.

So, unfortunately, our could be slimming.  It is estimated that within the next thirty years, the human population will surpass 9 billion! Not only will they need more living space, but they will also require more food, which takes up even more area to be grown. Here is the latest PIVOT potential: vertical farming!

Vertical farming is the process of stacking garden boxes in a controlled environment, rather than spreading crops out in fields. With vertical farming, you don’t have to rely as much on nature to provide everything needed to grow crops or gardens. The grower can control the amount of light and heat that the crops receive. This process requires minimal soil and uses up to 95% less water than conventional farming.  And there are NO bugs, meaning you won’t have to apply pesticides.  You can have more control over more variables of your farm. 

Not only that, but vertical farms can yield four to six times MORE per area than conventional farming methods. Vertical farming can definitely “stack up” as a viable solution to our world’s growing needs. It’s a win-win-win: more food, more control, and less space! In more ways than we can imagine then, things are certainly “looking up” for the farming industry! 

At Team Perka, we understand that your crops are especially important to you and our world. That’s why we developed a hybrid building- part wood, part steel- in order to provide you with the highest quality structures for any and all of your projects.

And we are confident that you’ll love your Perka building as much as we do! Not only are they affordable and functional, they’re also extremely reliable and safe! Our unique hybrid buildings are strong and secure, perfect for housing anything you need. These one-of-a-kind models are customizable, re-designable, AND up to safety code!

We also guarantee that our buildings will meet any safety requirement around, so you can rest assured that your valuable equipment and animals are well-protected from the environment: dangerous winds, damaging rains or snow, and the powerful sun.

Your building can have a full or partial roof, along with custom doors to ensure that you get what works best for you. Whether you want open or enclosed walls, doors that fold up or roll up or slide or open regularly, one door or two or more- It’s all up to you! We work with you, so that your buildings have the highest quality, guaranteed! Besides, if something doesn’t work properly, or you change your mind, Perka’s building frames have a 50-year warranty.

Speaking of changing your mind, Perka buildings are EXTREMELY re-usable! They can be repurposed into almost anything you need! Our buildings have been turned into places for livestock (horses, pigs, cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, ducks, llamas/alpacas, etc), crop storage, equipment repair shops, milking barns, hay storage, even man caves and she sheds, OR just additional living space! These structures are incredibly versatile; they work well for the whole family! (Even the non-human members of the family!)

All models can be fit to size- height, width, length, steepness of the roof, or anything else! We want to get YOU the perfect size for your building.

Most of our buildings are completed by a vaulted ceiling. This adds an extra level of storage, which can be used for holding more goods, more equipment, and more food!

You don’t have to worry when faced with gusting gales, snowstorms and sleet, rattling rains, or anything else that quivers, quakes, and shakes! Perka buildings are strong enough to weather the storms of life. They are also affordable, to give you the best space for your dollar, so you can invest in other things around the farm. Our buildings and our team are flexible; we’ll work with any changes, fixes, or add-ons, should you so desire. If extra space is what you are looking for, you can consider it done! We make sure it’s easy to get the information you need, AND easy to assemble your building! We hope to ensure that your building is effortlessly and effectively insulated and simple to change. Whatever you need, we’ll get it done quickly, so that you can enjoy the return on your investment sooner. Plus, they are extremely resilient: no small storms can blow them down! They are built to withstand even the toughest of circumstances. However, if they don’t quite hold up, they are simple to repair, remodel, or reuse. With Perka on your side, there’s no way you can lose!

Perka is proud to be the S.A.F.E.R. solution for you, your family, and your farm. Contact us to receive more information and direction. We want to work with you and provide the best buildings we can for your equipment, your products, and YOU!



Great Expectations

“Great Expectations:”
What happens when they don’t get met?

We all thrive on making and having big plans, big dreams, and big aspirations. Often, children are told that “they can be whatever they want to be.” Whether it is an astronaut, lawyer, doctor, engineer, builder, entrepreneur, architect, or artist, we encourage our children to “reach for the stars”. And we ourselves, through the form of books, movies, and other media outlets are pushed to “pursue our dreams”. But what happens when you wake up and are left grasping and wanting of the visions that visited us during the night?

Happy and sad twinsA recurring issue in our society is in how we deal with our sometimes overwhelming, unrealistic, and therefore unmet expectations. We are constantly bombarded with a notion that “If you don’t achieve this goal or get this product, you’ll never amount to anything or achieve certain things or ever find happiness and peace.” The unwritten and subliminal rules of life are presented all around us, reminding us of all the things we “are supposed to” have or do to be “successful” and HAPPY!   This is NOT to say that there is something necessarily wrong with being a high achiever of success or accomplishing goals. But is there a way to set up feasible expectations for ourselves without feeling like we aren’t doing or getting “enough”?!?!  And then becoming upset from it and then taking it out on those we love or count on to HELP us?

Step 1:

Clear away the belief or mindset of “I won’t be happy if I don’t accomplish or “get” this…” Oftentimes, our goals will not serve us well – only because of how LOFTY or rigid they really are! Again, there is nothing wrong with “dreaming big”, but there is a GIGANTIC difference between big dreams and near impossible expectations, especially if it will upset or unnerve you. 

If and when we can let go of the idea that we won’t be happy until we finish a certain (or several!) task(s), we can put more of our productive energy on being present, calm, cool and kind to inspire and lift self and others to find the solutions to easier achieve more goals, even the big ones!

For example, earning a promotion is a reasonable, attainable goal in most cases. Becoming manager within your first two months of service in your career? Alot less likely! There are some things that are not very likely to happen if even just not possible at this time… or within a certain time frame. It is possible that you could become the manager. It is possible that you could finally get that treehouse or shed built in your backyard. (Although the shed would be even faster if you partnered with Perka!)

It is possible that you could write that award-winning novel you’ve always dreamed of. Nearly anything is possible, but it certainly most likely will not be instantaneous. That said whether it takes ten weeks or ten years, it serve us best to make sure that we DON’T base our inner peace and happiness on particular objects or achievements.


Break the goal into “bite-size”, attainable chunks. For example, let’s look at some of the sample goals from Step 1. Building a treehouse? It is a 100% plausible goal. However, building a beautiful treehouse, complete with walls, a kitchenette, and an exit slide? Probably not going to happen fast that is for sure. And not all at once. That’s why we can choose to take it one step at a time, as it comes, methodically, reading ALL the directions (as tedious as it seems), and give yourself and everyone around you plenty of grace. If everything doesn’t happen at once, or over one weekend, THAT’S OK!!! 

Now, let us look at the writing of a novel example (because don’t all us “writers” want to see our names on the New York Times bestseller list???).  Again, like the treehouse, it is attainable. But it certainly won’t happen just like that – nor with our first publication! Therefore we need to set simple, reachable daily goals. In our busy lives, it can often be difficult to find time to sit down and write a large segment. It’s even more difficult if you attempt to do this every day! So, we go with a smaller portion. A chapter a day. Or even just a page or sub story per day. Or even less, like a bullet form outline, if need be. It doesn’t matter what amount you decide to do, as long as it’s consistent.  

Author Robert Collier says “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out!” For larger projects like these, you are only going to burn out your energy (and motivation) if you try to “plow through” large pieces all at once, all the time. It’s more serving in the long run to stick with your small portions. Do it daily, do it well, do it consistently!  Next thing you know – it’s MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!


This can be easily overlooked, but remember that the truest path to inner peace and happiness is accepting what American Essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson is very well known for saying it’s not the destination, it’s the journey” that really matters.

As we stated previously, you shouldn’t base your happiness on whether or not you’ve completed a list of tasks or acquired particular objects. Anyone can fill out a checklist, but not everyone can pursue it with everyday JOY!  While you were on the journey, you can also gain invaluable skills that can help you in other things, regardless of whether you fulfilled the goal (yet) or not. We are extremely fortunate to now live in a world where “anyone can be anything”.   BUT not everyone is or will be successful, every time.  And often, even if the goal is attained, not successful where it matters most, anyway.

Our typical definition of success requires people to compromise their values, compromise their dreams, or compromise their priorities. We need to remember that it truly is the process that counts! Life can change so quickly; no one really knows what will show up tomorrow, or become of the things we create?

If we focus on what kind of legacy we want to leave, rather than taking shortcuts in order to get a job done faster, we can take the time to get it done right, and that, in and of itself, is an achievement worthy of being called SUCCESS.  Appreciate the little victories. “Stop and smell the roses.” Allow yourself to grow and glow, while remaining poised and flexible! Hard times do happen, and certainty comes and goes. But if you’ve focused on growing and evolving during your journey, it will help you stay open and centered when bigger trouble hits.

At Perka, we whole heartedly know that it is important to be as flexible as possible, preparing for the unexpected, while always moving towards what is best. We understand that times change quickly, and many things are incredibly “up in the air”, especially during these times. But life is short, and time is too precious to spend it worrying or arguing or complaining.  That is why strength and flexibility are two of our core values. It is why we specially engineer our buildings to be up to every safety code in your area and then some. It is why we work WITH you to ensure that your building goals are achieved, realistically, accurately, safely and correctly. We will never cut corners or compromise integrity.  We choose to do things right, by choose to do the “right” thing.  This way, you can know that if all else fails, you can rely on your friends at Team Perka, to flex with you to seek out the most stress free and realistic solutions.  #sssTsss

 There is much in the way of unexpected, unplanned, unpredictable and even un-thought of events these days — it behooves us to remain calm, open, understanding, gracious, compassionate and seek out the next best solution, trusting sincere selfless service and continue to apply the everyday (baby) steps towards GREAT EXPECTATIONS without the pain of being so attached that we actually HURT ourselves and those we love and count on around us.  

As our local Rotary Club President just said in weekly update… 

“Let’s keep our heads on a swivel, be creative, be positive,
and most importantly, be kind and we’ll continue
to make this world a better place one good deed at a time.”

Contact us to find out how to start your journey with us, and know exactly what to expect, including being poised to address all the unprecedented, unexpected twists and turns of 2020!



Chasing Perfection, Catching Excellence

Chasing Perfection, Catching Excellence

            In 1959, American football coach and legend Vince Lombardi inspired the Green Bay Packers, and the world, when he said, “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.”

That said, how often do we feel as though we are chasing perfection to no avail. Running around in an endless loop, pursuing something that seems unattainable. And it is exhausting! Many people quickly do realize that perfection is impossible, but they do not like that answer. Instead of looking AT the progress, many just quit altogether. Why do they give up on their goals, and how can we break that pattern?

            Why people quit 1.0: staring at failure. We often catch ourselves looking at everything that goes wrong, and that can be extremely disheartening.  Why don’t we look more to what can go right?  Often it is difficult to set our gaze beyond our failures. We have all heard that old cliche: “Every failure is a new opportunity”. But sometimes, listening or hearing that phrase can be even more frustrating, because we are unable to see what that new opportunity actually is.

The American inventor Thomas Edison said it best: “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”  In some situations, if we never find the 10,000 wrong ways, we may never find the one RIGHT way! We must not see our shortcomings as a failure; let us view it as an unusable path. Keep track of your unusable paths, certainly to avoid them in the future, and we will soon be on a certain road to success!

            Why people quit 2.0: distractions. Cacophony. Clamor. Din. Hubbub. Pandemonium. Racket. Hullabaloo. They all mean the same thing- “noise”.  #bignoise.  With our typical everyday hustle-and-bustle, it is pretty easy to become distracted. Whether it is due to audible noise, the noise from endless tweets and social media post, or the noise that comes from inside our own heads, we often take our “eyes off the prize” and become bogged down, totally distracted and off course. With everyone, be it our boss, kids, spouse, parents, pets, neighbors, alter ego – constantly needing something, we can mis-use our time that could better be used to focus on our goals. That is why Team Perka is here for you. Perka Hybrid Buildings offers noise free and very affordable building designs, which can be perfect for when you need to work close to home… but not too close.  Structures also known as a “man cave or “she shed” (or how about a “dream destination”, “plan place”, or “house of hopes”), TEAM PERKA is in the business of helping man and woman kind – be safer, happier, healthier and kinder.   

They aspire to be a presence so that you can find your solution to create a space for your private, quiet time to “formulate, focus, pursue and attain your dreams” without or with at least LESS, of the usual distractions and NOISE!  Our favorite goal is to help you attain yours, and we are committed to doing everything in our power to ensure that your very own space is exactly what you want and need.

            Why people quit 3.0: unwillingness to change/grow. No one likes or ever wants to be told that they are wrong. No one wants to believe that their method is inferior. Most people simply lack the willingness to change. This is a major hindrance in achieving progress. Some people are just looking for perfection, but they do not want to take the time to learn, improve, and to focus on personal advancement. This is an issue that is often rooted in a certain stubbornness and pride; an “I’m just right, you’re wrong, and you can’t convince me otherwise” mindset. Unfortunately, that attitude generally gets everyone NO-WHERE.   If you are willing to listen and can be open to change, while there is still a possibility that your ideas might fail, there is much HOPE there.   To totally refuse to listen to possible ideas and differing perspectives from your peers and adapt, adjust or evolve your ideas to make them the best they can be, will almost certainly guaranty that you will definitely not find any perfection, excellence or happiness for that matter.

If you wish to have a partner to help with building choices, our trained and dedicated advisors also known as Team Perka are here to assist you, to adapt with you and for you.  One of our core values is flexibility. We strive to have flexible personalities, to be able to take whatever comes our way and adapt – roll with the punches; AND similarly our buildings are flexible, able to also change, adjust and adapt in order to suit varying and sometimes forced pivots.

           Why people quit 4.0: fear. This explanation could go on and on. There is fear of failing, fear of what your peers will think, fear of letting others down, fear of letting yourself down, even fear of success.  These, of course, all stem from that goal of and being totally attached to “perfection”.

However, if you “strive for perfection and are willing to catch excellence”, none of these fears can ever dominate. If you catch excellence, you haven’t failed, you haven’t let anyone down, not even yourself.   Of course, the first step to conquering these fears (and to catching excellence) is to begin the journey by SHOW UP to take the first step.  Set your goals, and then figure out ways to achieve them! It may not be perfect. It does not HAVE to be really!  — But it certainly will feel excellent once you’ve begun on the path towards your dreams!  Progress is the key.   Tony Robbins says that the MAIN ingredient to HAPPINESS is not possessions, destinations, or even permanently bliss filled relationships…  it is growth and making PROGRESS towards something!  It is the Journey!!

            At Perka, we want to join with you, to help you, to progress on that path, on that journey as you pursue your goals…  towards an ever evolving better today!   Contact us and let us know how we can be a part of your journey!


Top Priority

Top Priority

No one tries to “keep up with the Joneses” anymore… do they? “Keeping up with the Joneses” is an older phrase or idiom that means you attempt to base your success on how well you match up with the success of your neighbors. Sounds exhausting (and at times difficult), right? This requires us to take note of everything the neighbors do, see how our lives compare, and make ourselves seem as good (or better) than the folks next door.

Unfortunately, this concept is one that we often practice nearly every day. We are so often tempted to constantly compare… and often attempting to be just a little bit better than that other person. We look around to see how we stack up or at least differentiate from the people around us. Bigger house? That’s one point for me. My kid threw a tantrum, when hers never cries. OK, one point for her. My car is nicer than his; I get another point. The list can go on and on when it comes to comparing.  Sound familiar?

However, comparing ourselves to others isn’t always wrong or undeserving… if we’re comparing the right things and in the right “way”.  Like doing so with a certain admiration, to learn from and GROW!   What we shouldn’t compare, especially with any attachment or competitiveness per se, are our families, our finances, certain personal life choices, even relationships, etc. We don’t always have control over the things our families do, some of the choices we can get forced into, or the adversity we may encounter. Besides, those perfect Instagram posts and family photos don’t show everything. Those are typically just ONE moment in time…. 

In reality, almost everyone has uncomfortable, messy, less-than-perfect moments that sometimes lasting days, weeks, and those moments, those photos rarely end up being posted.  Do they?  We shouldn’t compare material things either: things like houses, cars, finances, possessions, etc. If we keep looking at those things, we’ll always find someone who has it just a little bit nicer or “better”. Those collations can often disappoint, in one way or another.

This begs the question: Is it ever OK to compare? The answer is “yes”. However, this has to be done in a healthy, constructive way. As earlier mentioned, it isn’t serving to look at other people’s lives and wish that ours looked more like theirs. But it can be constructive to observe other people’s behavior or personalities: the way they act, think, and speak. By observing others without judgement, we can learn from their consequences, accomplishments, and appreciate the differences while respecting their strengths. We can work to figure out what they do well, and if it fits, apply that to our own lives. To practice this kind of healthy comparison doesn’t produce jealousy, bitterness, or longing; it produces kindness, understanding, appreciation and a mindset of growth or evolving.

If you have read this far, you’re probably curious as to why we’ve been talking about collation and “keeping up with the Joneses” (or any other families who happen to live next door to you).  What does this have to do with buildings?  Well, it’s because of Perka’s dedication to our customers: to YOU.  The products and services we offer are part of the bigger picture goal of wanting to make our world better… To serve man and woman kind! 

So, guess what? We are not concerned with your neighbors.  We are not “worrying” about what others are doing.  It matters not as to whether their house is nicer, whether their car is larger, or whether they have more social media followers than you or us. Our number one concern is you. You, as you. You, with a lived-in house – a well-used vehicle or children filled with abundant enthusiasm and energy. (Although, if your house is a bit cluttered, as in lacking in space, well, Perka Hybrid Buildings can be a great choice for adding storage, extra room and or functionality. – Just saying.) 

More than supplying you with high-quality, well thought out building and structure solutions, we want to provide you with the best possible stress free service that will earn your trust and help you find the right solutions for YOU.  

And as to comparing?  We will definitely do that with you.   We will compare quality and type of the structure.  Is it Steel?  Or is it Wood?  Or is it Hybrid?  Is it pre-designed? We will look at how the buildings are produced?   Are they pre-fit to eliminate headaches on the job site, or are they sent to you with a WISH and a HOPE that they will fit? We will indeed compare so that you know that you are getting a 50 year warranty from a business that has been around long enough to re-assure you that they are not going anywhere!  We will compare to make sure your choices meet the minimum requirements you would expect to protect you and your family – like strength, and affordability, like flexibility so you are not stuck with a never look back decision.   Like ease & simplicity so that you don’t get all lost in the jargons and the attempts at “BS to impress”! And we will compare to be sure you realize the building you choose is resilient to withstand whatever challenge or adversity that sometimes LIFE just throws at us!  The unexpected.   The unplanned for.   The unpredictable. 

We aim to be robust, resilient and remarkable at the very least…  Because with TEAM PERKA, YOU are our highest priority. Not the Joneses. You. Your goals. Your dreams. Your aspirations.  Your SAFETY.  Your future…  To find out how you can begin a project with your very own trusted building adviser and Happy Perka Teammate, contact us here.


Farms, Food, and Finances

Farms, Food, and Finances

All of us with Team Perka really LOVE OUR FARMERS! Since our founder “ET” began the TEAM PERKA journey way back in 1981, he always stayed rooted in his own humble beginning as a son of a farmer.  And so, men and women workers of the earth’s fields, always held the highest stature in his eyes! We just can’t exist without our food supply chain… and they are right at the ROOT of it all – (puns intended!)

Perka’s Hybrid Buildings can be used almost anywhere around the farm yard or even in the fields, as farmers have been one of our most valued clients over our near 40 year history.

Unfortunately, and it is sad to see, farmers are struggling right now. There are a lot of questions surrounding farmers and the food they produce. People are ever more curious to know where their food comes from… how it is grown, and then where is it going!? Fear not, O wise ones who read this blog. Today, we’ll be taking a closer look at some of the main questions about what’s happening in the food industry.

Farmer looking at his big farmLet’s begin at the farm, the actual source of our entire food supply chain. (No, it’s not the “store”!!)

Farmers are currently being forced to eradicate months’ worth of work because the demand for their services is not as the same and therefore not as timely as it once was and therefore not as “great”.

But wait… if anything, shouldn’t their demand be greater? One might think that at least the same if not even more people are still hungry and possibly even without supplies or access now than they were before quarantine/shelter protocols. Schools have been shut down, and most restaurants are only open for a drive-through or curbside pickup. People are eating at home more often.

Food that goes to restaurants and schools is packaged much differently than food that gets distributed to the public. Meat, cheese, fruits, and vegetables are transported to restaurants in much larger quantities than that same cuisine being bought at a grocery store. The problem is, sadly for the moment, is that the farmers don’t have the capacity or resources to package their own goods, and much food has been left to rot. That said there have been some bright lights standing out in the darkness of current uncertainties as we try to figure this out.

dairy cattleOne Pennsylvania farmer, Mr. Ben Brown, came up with an alternative to dumping the milk from his many cows. He was fortunate to have access to equipment that would allow him to process the milk himself. He worked long and hard to make sure he wouldn’t have to waste an ounce of his milk… even if that meant waking up at midnight to continue bottling. His farm opened up for people to come buy his milk, and he sold out in a matter of hours.

Pretty inspiring, isn’t it? Thankfully, more of those sort of pivots are happening as we speak!! In our home town here of St. Joseph, MO – people have organized a FREE farm-to-family distribution by volunteers to GIVE AWAY the food that might otherwise get wasted. They meet in our shopping center parking lot – three times a week and cars line up to take fruits, vegetables, dairy products they can use or pay forward themselves.

The next link in our “food chain” is the processing plants. What’s happening there? Unfortunately, over 14,000 cases of COVID-19 have been linked to meat processing plants across the United States. It seems that it has been difficult to maintain social distance and take other safety precautions when working in a meat processing plant. New measures have been slow to implement. If any sick person continues to work at such a place, they not only expose their co-workers, but potentially anyone who eats the food that may have been handled by the sick person. As such, companies like Tyson Foods, Smithfield Foods, and JBS have closed one or more of their plants around the country. Since these processing locations have closed, farmers have had no way to slaughter and distribute the meat they produce; millions of animals have gone to waste.

So as we see this happening, we also see that there is by no means a shortage of food; there is only an insufficiency of processing and handling. Because of the causal difference in a lower supply and still the same demand, meat prices have skyrocketed, and we may not see as much of certain foods (the healthier kind) on the shelves at the grocery store in the coming months.

Rustic Silverware

And this brings us to the final link in the food supply chain: you. The consumer. The “eater”!! What can we do to help your local farmers?

Wherever you can, buying locally grown food, like from the people who supported Ben Brown – can make a huge difference – right up front.
Also, we can mindfully choose to follow recommended quarantine protocols, so that we can aid in mitigating and hopefully ending the spread of COVID-19; if there could come a day, sooner than later, where we can confidently say that we have contained the spread (till safe medicine is available) this will most definitely help our farms and food industry bounce back sooner.
And if you decide to plant some of your own fruits and vegetables while you’re more at home these days with more telework and certainly less travelling, we would love to help you with any possible building add on needs! Perka’s hybrid buildings work well for greenhouses, crop storage, or any form of agricultural, farmer, rancher needs.
If you are interested in more information about the food shortages in America, check out these related articles: Tyson, pigs, vegetables, plants closing.
And, as always, for more information about Perka Buildings, contact us. We’d love to help you as and if you embark on your new or next food, farming and financially friendly adventure!  

Living in a S.A.F.E.R. World in the Midst of a Pandemic

Living in a S.A.F.E.R. World in the Midst of a Pandemic

Blog submitted by Olivia Truesdale

Back in February, Kansas City experienced one of its most epic moments ever: Winning the Vince Lombardi Trophy in Super Bowl LIV.

After the Kansas City Chiefs won, there were parties and parades. The city could not stop celebrating!

I had a friend who was unable to watch the game in real time, so she settled in and watched the recorded game. She, of course, already knew what was going to happen: The Chiefs were going to win. It was all over the papers! Everyone knew! (They had already won!) Still, when the Chiefs were down by ten points at the end of the third quarter, she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

Even when we know the outcome, it can be difficult to stay calm and positive, especially when, in a given moment, all hope looks lost. It’s like we know that we will eventually beat this COVID-19/Corona Virus challenge. In the meantime, everyone is (as we should be) concerned for their own health, as well as the health of others.

We at Team Perka are committed to help keeping you out of harm’s way, and we want you to stay S.A.F.E.R. too. Wait, aren’t those the same thing? At Perka, our motto, “S.A.F.E.R”, stands for “Strong, Affordable, Flexible, Easy, Resilient”. How can we at Perka (and you at home!) live in a S.A.F.E.R. world even in the midst of a pandemic?

STRONG: It can be quite the challenge to remain strong during our present situation. As humans, we often feel that we have to be strong for everyone: kids, spouse, parents, co-workers, etc. However, being strong doesn’t always mean “having everything under control”. It takes strength to be vulnerable and honest, especially when you don’t have everything under control. It takes strength to stay positively optimistic… especially when living through your very first global pandemic or otherwise new challenge! Life is quite different and can feel difficult right now. At Team Perka, we stay strong by continuing in our preparation, study, and readiness to help.  Feel free to contact us ; we’d love to know how we can help you!

AFFORDABLE: With all the prices of different commodities going up and down, how do you STAY poised and secure??? It can be difficult to figure things out, especially price vs value wise. We, however, continue to focus on USE VALUE and purpose filled worth/usefulness.  We are always seeking ways to create value and find the best fit and best price for you and your dream project!

FLEXIBLE: Stay loose and adaptable! With everything changing and evolving as much and as quick as it is, the only thing we can do is evaluate adjust and respond with whatever changes that are required right along with whatever is happening.  (Our preference is to be more in the lead of changes – but sometimes stuff just happens!!!)  It seems that information, recommendations, guidelines, and LIFE is changing, and sometimes even contradicting itself, by the minute! We must not get bogged down with the stress of change.  We keep traditions where we can, and remember that our life is not the only one that is affected by COVID-19 or whatever else is going on. At Perka, we remain open TO SERVE and are always at the ready to help Y-O-U!

EASY: Keep it simple, and don’t worry! Hopefully, a Perka building project can be a part of doing what is easiest and most efficient for you and your loved ones. Or, as we like to say, “Keep It SAFER and Stress free” (#KISS). We want to be part of keeping things safe and stress free for you and your family now, during the current pandemic and “tomorrow”, as we continue to evolve together

RESILIENT: When we all come out of our “going within” or “staying in” or “quarantine-ing”, after this pandemic has been resolved, it may still be difficult, or awkward, to adjust to all the new rules and way of life that we may have evolved into. We can’t let that discourage us; we must continue to bounce back and get up from the difficulties this pandemic, and this year in particular, is exposing . Hopefully, things will soon be back to a form of “normal”, though it may take some time for them to be a fully embraced “normal” again. In the meantime, let’s stay positively optimistic and confident. Never forget that we at Team Perka are on your side, ready to bounce back and stay strong in the game!

And voilà! What do you think? That’s how we stay S.A.F.E.R and how you can stay S.A.F.E.R., too.

For more info about how we can help you stay SAFER – CLICK HERE.

PRICE IS TOO HIGH? Price is too much? Overpriced?


How can that be?  They are the same model…  or they are the same size.  Or it’s for the same service.   They are both the same thing…  or is it?  How can there be such a price difference?  That price is way too high?  OR IS IT?

While it may not be so “obvious”,  some suppliers may indeed have difference costs of doing business, more insurance, more levels of quality assurance, better service protocols, different values of their overhead – or even just different markup percentages as per their calculations for what they need to stay in business, let alone prosper some.

When all is said and done however — one really CAN NOT get SOMETHING for NOTHING.  There is a natural law of business balance that will always be maintained.   At least over time.

If you are into “WIN-LOSE” deals – then the game becomes one of trying to (consciously or not) “outwit”, if not even “fool” the other into LOSING and you winning?   Though less and less these days – it is a “game” that still gets played.

All too often however, it is played at the detriment of BOTH parties.  If you “take from another” to advance your agenda, you are definitely in a competitive mode —  and, inevitably, a time will come when either the cards will be reversed, or sooner yet, even the one you contracted with – may just not be able to ((satisfactorily)) fulfill his/her obligation or promise.   And  then, NOBODY wins.   This is not naive.  It’s part of our natural laws.  The Golden Rule.  What we sow we reap.  What goes around comes around.

If one is of a CREATIVE perspective – then it’s more about COLLABORATING TO FIND THE BEST SOLUTION for the product or service need, with a WIN-WIN agenda; while staying within the allowed resources (funds available), and also taking into account as much of a “longer” term perspective as one can.  Cost over time must be part of the initial cost! 

For example, cost/value changes like: after the sale/service maintenance costs, the appreciation or depreciation in value of the asset, the actual use value (which may not be quantifiable per se), the profit from use value if a business of any kind, any future “changes” costs, insurance costs, “recovery costs”, etc., etc.   If you don’t do, even a bit, of that exercise analysis – you may very well be in for some fairly large “ADD ON” costs in the future — and those are inevitably and effectively PART OF YOUR (accrual) COST “TODAY”!

Over and above those considerations, one must be as sure as one can be that the comparison of quality, features, benefits, between your choices, are indeed “apples to apples”!!!  It’s easy to say that yes – this 4 wheel drive pick up is $25,000$. And that 4 wheel drive pick up is $27,000, so I’ll buy this one.   But are they really the same?

With regards to a building:  Is a 40 x 60 building going to be the same price regardless of what it’s made of?  How it’s made?  For what it’s made for,  or even by who it’s made? etc.?

There really are dozens, if not hundreds, of “options”, and “features”, and “benefits” that you can put in, or out, of a building package (initial) price offer.  And in each of these they may, or may not, be a SERVING benefit for you.   If you don’t need to have enduring strength to withstand the wrath of our sometimes harried climate conditions – then maybe you don’t have to have that pre-built in and therefore pay for it!  If you don’t need to have things designed in to make life easier and quicker for you or your builder when you install, refine, modify, or even later upgrade, retrofit or remodel, then why have those features priced in now? More at paydayloanfence These can be the very reason why the prices differ.

Furthermore, do you know the value or even the potential VALUE that each special feature has?  If no, is it therefore really MORE EXPENSIVE?  What are you comparing?   What if certain options can actually save you hours and hours of time in install?  What if it saves you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in extra materials, or hired hours; – or what if they can save you hundreds if not thousands in energy costs?  Making it less costly a bit later on!??  What if it saves you unnerving, debilitating stress, unfathomable worry and even heart ache!  What price do you put on that?

This is not to say all suppliers or service people will not have YOUR overall best interests at heart.  From experience one can say that at least half will, — maybe even 75% if you are optimistic!  But the challenge then is which 50 or 75%?   How will you know? How can you tell? 

Just because the representative is happy, sincere, polite and kind (which is not always the case anyway) — does that make the product or support the ONE FOR YOU?  There is POWER in education… and there is even MORE POWER in using the “education/information”…

One of the BEST ways to get VALUE for your hard earned money and time — as well as peace of mind — is education… information.    It almost always is worth the investment of your time.   Be an informed purchaser.

And, if you can find it, it’s even better if you visit this link TEAM you can trust, who has experience, is passionate about their vocation, loves to do what they do and is sincere about being of selfless service.

And as a bonus, if you do have that kind of support – that will surely make a huge difference in your overall stress level and well being —- now, how much is that worth?

Yes, BE informed!







Taking the time to get it RIGHT… takes time!

There is an old story in our family about two young men who both wanted to buy a car to go to College with.

Both had roughly the same amount of money.  Both looked at cars of the same type and year.

One walked in to a dealer ship – met with a real nice representative of the dealership who spoke real fast about all the benefits of the car and how this young man would just be so happy if he bought this one – right now – as it was actually on sale, as the last one on the lot.

The second young man on the other hand – went to a couple different car lots, spoke to various representatives, shared his need and want list, took time to listen to answers and replies, expanded on them and asked even many more questions.  He appreciated the various rep’s enthusiasm – but took time to get to know the cars he was interested in, the rep, the dealership, the service department, noticing how they treated him and checked up on the reputation of all of the above.  It took a few extra days to find his car of choice and he did spend a bit more money up front, despite buying the same kind of car with the same year.   But he knew alot more about the car and the people behind it, from his own research.

The first young man drove the car for less than a month and started to have troubles.  When he returned to the dealer – nothing he needed attention was covered under warranty.  The nice rep he spoke to – was never available when he called or visited.  It cost him several trips to and from the dealer, many days without a car and alot of money he had never planned on spending.  He ended up selling the car at a loss a few months later.   He had to finish school taking buses, taxis and getting lifts from friends.  This all ended up costing him nearly as much as owning a better car – but with nothing to show for it.  Worse of all he was not a HAPPY CLIENT.  He was downright stressed out most of his time at school – counting on public transportation or on others!

The second young man kept his car maintained, and was able to own it till after he graduated from College.  He was even able to actually save some money over the four years and traded up his car for a nicer newer car.  He enjoyed his time at college – had no transportation worries and was a HAPPY CLIENT, which is why he returned to the same dealer for the trade.

Moral of the story is that it really can be a most serving and beneficial investment of one’s time to get answers and share as much info as one can with the supplier.

These two young men were old friends of our original founder from back in the late 70’s.     He subconsciously decided right then and there, that education was going to be the key to not only good service and making sure his client’s would be happy, but to endure the test of time.  Since the early 80’s we have been steadily working on ways to improve that, albeit much of time unconsciously or without specific intention or reverence.

A few years ago we had an epiphany of a Divine Nudge.  The bit of Grace, led us to figuring out our “why”, which began to light bulbs in our mind and hearts, and which we chose to consciously and with intention to make our mission.

  In one sentence it is this:

“Perka is about seeking out

S.A.F.E. and stress free building solutions”

And the BEST way for us to do that is to find out all we can about our client’s needs and wants, FIRST…  And then making sure we would do all we can to figure out the BEST, most serving choices, and be able to meet those desires as best we knew how… – if not, we would just not be their supplier.

So we came up with an acronym to best describe our objectives on HOW we could meet our WHY!


  1. PERK BUILDINGS ARE STRONG to endure the test of time and the many challenges from Mother Nature.
  2. PERK BUILDINGS ARE AFFORDABLE to give you (USE) value that will be an asset and not a liability for years.
  3. PERKA BUILDINGS ARE FLEXIBLE to be able to adapt to your exact needs of today and in the future.
  4. PERKA BUILDINGS ARE EASY to help make life simpler and stress free.
(** All this, orginally designed by a DO-IT YOURSELFER, FOR the DO-IT-YOURSELFER!  To be quick to build with many pre-thought, pre-fit, pre-welded, pre-punched features…)

And that is now, PERKA’s, conscious mission.

And…  WE LOVE TO HELP…  it just feels good!


I.C. Scoops!



When it comes to buildings, I may very well be “RIGIDLY” BIASED.

Unbiased-Software-Selection1-229x241Before I even start this blog post – I will admit, I MAY BE BIASED… and somewhat ‘rigidly’ so too.

I was raised by parents who demanded I be truthful, honest, transparent.  They only wanted the BEST for me –  but also taught me that I had to be and do my (personal) best to earn it. (#bestbuildings)

They showed me what it looked like to be a good steward, to NOT WASTE, to do things right and do the RIGHT thing.

They encouraged me to THINK, to not TAKE everything as fact just because someone said so, to do MY OWN homework and research to make up my own mind, within a context of lasting-over-time.  i.e. “Be in it for the long haul”!!

They showed me the importance of making sure the things meaningful in my life had value, integrity, durability, quality and purpose, and that that would only come if I GAVE to them in the same way…  from the people I could choose to be, work, live and play with, to the “things” I could choose to own, operate, use, share and/or have stewardship over.

So quality, value, durability, integrity, flexibility, adaptability and sustainability, just to name a few, would become constant barometers in the litmus tests of whatever and whenever I had the freedom to make choices on or about. (#strongbuildings).

And so it goes for anything associated with TEAM PERKA, from the products we offer, the teammates we attract, the service we give and the care with which we undertake each of life’s moments. (#integrity)

So in this biased sense, we are committed to the goal that the  PERKA BUILDING ‘system’ offers the highest value as an investment, the most strength for durability over time, the most flexibility to adapt to any building need, as well as being easy and simple to deal with for any modifications, finishing or maintaining needs.  Whether it be during the build process or even months, years or decades in the future; your PERKA BUILDING will be able to grow WITH YOU!

Those main attributes of strength, flexibility, value and simplicity are the things we hear time and again, of what is important to builders and building owners alike…



Now let’s take the RIGID frame (plate beam) type of building design for example.   It’s own name pretty much points to fact that they are probably not going to be very “easy or flexible to deal with”.   We realize that it’s a technical and engineer based description, unfortunately our experience has also made it the descriptor for other things as well.

Despite being totally committed and convicted about the many many great things in a Perka Wood Steel Hybrid Building, we are not always able to fully convey the information, experiences and testimonials needed to help some folks fully comprehend the many benefits and longer term returns on this type of Wood/Steel Building investment.

In an effort to still be able to serve as many clients as we can, we still look for the best, most affordable alternative and sometimes yes, even “rigid frame” type building sources, so that we could have yet more options for those who still want to deal with an organization like TEAM PERKA, that has a long standing history of integrity for standing behind their products, commitments and obligations.

In the many (Perka) Rigid Frame buildings we supplied over the years we can say quite candidly that the majority of them has offered up at least one significant challenge that either cost our client or ourselves MORE money than we originally counted on spending. (And this does not even take into account the generally speaking larger foundation requirements needed that should be part of the decision up front, though often forgotten check out:

Whether it was not having a door or window positioned in the right place and then having to jump through hoops and verifications to resolve it, or dealing with part after part of the building materials, that was NOT pre-assembled, NOT properly labelled,  not fabbed accurately, not pre-welded, not pre-punched or just NOT there.  The fact that we had these issues was not the worst of it… ‘stuff happens’, we can adjust to that.

— Unfortunately the worst part was what we needed to do to “fix or resolve” these issues.  It was not a matter of simply pulling out some tools to modify a few pieces and fasten them back up the way they were suppose to be.   No.   We had to first get clearance from engineering to make sure we were not altering the integrity of the originally designed building SYSTEM, since the building’s TOTAL LOAD capacity is pretty much 100% dependent on EVERY part being the part it’s suppose to be, in the place it is suppose to be in and installed the way it is suppose to be installed.   ANY deviation of any of these on a RIGID FRAME SYSTEM DESIGNED BUILDING, can lead to reduced load capacity and potentially compromise the building’s ability to withstand their intended snow, wind or seismic loads.  That process is generally not an “easy or simple” one.   The flexibility, if any, of this design, in our experience, is virtually non existent.

Here are a few more observations.

Are Rigid frame buildings strong?  Sure they are —  but only as strong as they are “built” to the exact specifications of the manufacturer.  NO DEVIATIONS.  No modifications.  No after the fact alterations, changes, add ons…   at least NOT without getting things cleared.  And you may as well allow a chunk of time and most often a good chunk of some more hard earned money for that process.

Are Rigid frame buildings flexible?  Yes, but only to the extent you have torches and welders to modify things AFTER you get approval, and able to afford the typically HIGH COST of beefing things up; from the extra labor and the need for more or newer (STEEL) parts to accommodate the change.   (Which typically can only be purchased from manufacturer.) “No substitutes”!

Are Rigid frames EASY and SIMPLE?   Sure, but only if you know EXACTLY what you want UP FRONT, and basically “never” want to change ANYTHING.   If you don’t meet those two criteria…  you may as well count on complexity, difficulties, delays and worst of all alot MORE MONEY.   Not just a little.  In some cases, ALOT!

Are Rigid frames aesthetically pleasing?  If you like the main option of your outer shell to be JUST STEEL. Then yes.  Of course you can COVER these with decorative materials —  but don’t think about “saving” the steel to put something else on instead, to save some time and money.  It won’t happen.  Unless you planned this from the start, you will either have to leave the steel sheeting on, and PAY EXTRA to cover it – or pay more for special engineering and structural beef ups to be able to remove the sheeting to allow you to put something else more aesthetically appealing instead.   It is not exactly a “value added” option!

Are Rigid Frames less costly?  Yes.  Sometimes.  –  And again this is dependent on you having to know (TODAY) EXACTLY what you want, and with NO PLANS to change pretty much ANYTHING!  (Hence “RIGID frames”??!!).  Otherwise —  NO.  Pure and simple they will cost MORE.   And in some cases, as we experienced, by the time you get the job totally completed, ALOT more.

In this day and age, where our society faces regular concerns about threats of harsh weather conditions, insecurity about finances, rapid changes in individual and collective life situations be it family, work, technology, location or purpose, it appears vital that our better choices will be able to offer strength to endure adversity and change, flexibility to be able to adjust whenever and however to whatever conditions that pop up, and to do this affordably, with an awareness for sustainable practices and a continued commitment to maintaining our assets for the long haul.  Yes.   In it for the long haul!

And you know what?  Perka Buildings can LOOK GREAT TOO!

How does it get better!?

Building for the Future, NOW.

Martial L. Thevenot





Want a fancy porch?

Want a fancy porch?


Nice and cozy...

Nice and cozy…


I know this is a church - but it shows brick finish and architecture...

I know this is a church – but it shows brick finish and architecture…




More time/money VALUE ADDED benefits with Perka Prefab Wood Steel Hybrid Buildings

It's ALL inclusive!

It’s ALL inclusive!

If you are able to take a bit of time to learn ALL about Perka’s design ideology you would be very pleasantly surprised by the many benefits, advantages, positive features, money saving ideas, waste preventing forethought and just plain amazing simplicity of their steel frames.  Add to that a genuine desire to serve selflessly, to assist generously and to share whatever wisdom, tips and experience the Mates at TEAM PERKA  have, and you have a pretty low downside and HIGH UPSIDE product package!

To help you sift through some of that “time” – here is a list of just some of these big MONEY ($$$) affecting PLUSES!!

1. You don’t have to leave your vehicles, equipment, assets OUTSIDE in the weather!  They will last longer, need less repair and will be worth more money if and when you decide to trade them in!!

2. You don’t have to work on or repair things out in the cold, wet or heat.  You can have a nice comfortable dry place – which will save you time, money and trips to the doctor!!

3. You will use LESS concrete, and spend less money, in your foundation as compared to any ALL STEEL rigid frame option.

4. The building will be easier to assemble,without mis fits, do to it’s PRE-FIT process.  That will  save you time and money!

5. All Perka clips are pre-punched and pre-welded on the frame.  That will  save you time and money!

6. If you purchase a full kit package from Perka – you will get a takeoff that is conscious of waste and you will get all you need to build your building according to your approved drawings and nothing more.  The building is priced accordingly so you will save money and not waste materials needlessly!

7. Perka Hybrid Buildings are designed with ease of assembly in mind.  That will  save you time and money!

8. Perka Hybrid Buildings are designed with ease of interior in mind.  That will  save you time, materials and money!

9. Perka Hybrid Buildings are designed with ease of insulation-ability in mind.  That will  save you time and money!

10. Perka Hybrid Buildings are designed with efficient use of the least amount of “energy” to heat or cool.  That will  save you money!

11. Perka Hybrid Buildings are designed with quality, durability and no compromise on design safety.  The frames come with a 50 year warranty and over the long haul that will  save you time and potentially alot of money!

12. Perka Hybrid Buildings are designed with quality, durability and no compromise on design safety and than can also save you on repairs from weather damage and possibly even on insurance premiums.  That can save you time, money and aggravation!!

13. Perka Hybrid Building Frames are generally pre-engineered but never un-modifiable.  Perka’s in house engineering, design and detail team can easily, quickly and inexpensively custom design ANY frame to meet YOUR exact needs. A custom building at pre-engineered price.  That can save you time, money and future aggravations!!  

14. Throughout the process from order taking, fulfillment, to production, packaging, shipping, construction and after sales service – TEAM PERKA aspires to always carry out the intention for an ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE AND FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE product.  AND THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY!

Full circle closed loop thinking...

Full circle closed loop thinking…

And these are just a few of many benefits…  Search and browse our blog and sights for more —  or just call us at 800-467-3752!  WE LOVE TO HELP!


Perka Buildings builds VALUE through education, product quality and dedication to Service!

It seems changes/choices/opportunities are coming at us faster and faster every day as more and more folks are having to face the realities of ever more rapid societal changes!  Re-engineering, re-inventing, bringing about layoffs of obsolete tasks/positions, business closings, re-organizations, changes in ways of doing things, to how, when and even where!
What has brought us to this? Some experts are pointing to very simply: WASTE!
We have just bought, consumed, acquired and or still have, STUFF that maybe just was not necessary.   And we did  it without much thought of the “waste” consequences.  From not realizing the extent of our carbon footprint in production (even of energy conscious products) to what gets thrown out into our landfills from the packaging to lower quality merchandise that has a short life span!  Ring any bells??
And furthermore, alot of that is done on BORROWED monies and resources, the cost of which was not factored in, and, in some cases, can no longer even be paid back…  which perpetuates the cycle of “waste”!!
I don’t mean to sound negative or hope less – God knows my Dad would cringe if that is what I was doing… NO, this is POSITIVE! If it weren’t for this major wake up call, would I even be writing about this now? Would so many people be talking and debating about what are we going to do about all the changes???
YES THIS IS A WAKE UP CALL! We must become more conscious of WASTE in all it’s forms!
For example: if we don’t NEED it, don’t get it.   If we don’t use it – pass it on – share it – sell it – give it to someone who will.  If you can’t PAY for it now – don’t buy it now.
We all know the banking system and lending policies was a big cause of what has brought many of us to our proverbial knees – begging each other to hang with us – while we figure things out and get things moving again. Unless you still have some reserves, you’re probably not going to last very long playing the old game… and if you do – let’s realize now there are many great opportunities to collaborate and actually HELP correct things along the way.
Bottom line though is – we can’t fix any of it by going back to same old ways… Things have to change – systems have to change – our habits have to change … including the way we build things!!
TEAM PERKA is fervent about being part of the solution. Our open web structural steel trusses and frames are soundly and soulfully crafted with the highest grade recycled steel materials… and with a conscious awareness fro minimizing waste, reusing, recycling, repairing…  While it may not exactly bring us to a ZERO carbon  footprint – it is nonetheless GREATLY reduced.   MORE IMPORTANTLY, by being a material of such structurally sound integrity, we choose to enhance the sustainable aspect of longevity, by designing these trusses and frames as independent free standing units.  SOVEREIGN so to speak.  Unlike most wood buildings and MANY steel building (RIGID FRAME, LIGHT GAUGE STEEL) producers – our designers do not incorporate and thus rely on the shell or envelope components into the design of the truss/frame… Our system allows the structure to stand alone – to allow you Mr./Ms. contractor or you Mr./Ms. do-it-yourselfer to be able to put up, on and around the structure ANY material you want — and preferably Earth Friendly ones!  So even if the envelope you choose does not have structural integrity per se, PERKA’s steel frames will accommodate this and lends to a LONGER LASTING product.  Think about that for a moment!  By lasting longer, and not having to be “thrown” away or even heavily maintained, think of the resources being save in all of that??  From NOT having to remake new parts, rebuild, reconstruct, etc., etc… AND it won’t end up in any landfill from fatigue or collapse any time soon, especially since much of it is recyclable anyway!
This opens the doors to all kinds of permutations of styles, shapes, sizes and combinations of building options – and, at same time, keeping a strong, durable, reliable skeleton frame system on which to apply your individual artful sustainable materials.
So let’s stop wasting resources.   Even from just no longer leaving high value assets like our cars, trucks, farm equipment and machinery laying outside at the mercy of all the elements – deteriorating them quicker than necessary and requiring more resources to maintain and repair!  Get the idea?
We don't want this do we?

We don’t want this do we?

Nor this?

Nor this?

Definitely not this!

Definitely not this!



We propose PERKA BUILDINGS as your answer to building afford-ably, building strong, building sound and building with an answer to being a solution to some of today’s world wide concerns.



With a Prefab Perka Wood Steel Hybrid Building you not only get VALUE by the many great benefits and very asset driven features — but you get ADDED VALUE by the many aspects that eliminates waste in terms of time, money, convenience, comforts and even in potential liabilities or loss.

As you can see from the up to 21 great reasons (benefits) why you should consider building with a Perka Hybrid designed building that you can find here:, here:, and here:, Perka’s unique approach to buildings offers you a very viable alternative to conventional buildings.

That said it also offers you MANY great SAVINGS from money, to time to just plain STOPPING ‘waste’!

If you just take a few minutes and look around WHERE YOU ARE sitting or standing this very minute, I am sure you can instantly see or count a number of things just being “wasted”.   Anything from unfinished spoiling food, to cleaning up after damage from a storm, to a leaky faucet, to an open or unsealed door or window — often valuable resources, hard to find time and hard earned money are just literally being, and usually most reluctantly, and certainly rarely un-wilfully wasted away.

The men and women at Perka would like to think that they do whatever they can to help with a consciousness about these things.   A kind of “closed loop” thinking…  After all, “waste” just so happens to be a fairly important “pet peeve” of the stewards leading the way at Perka.

 So what does that mean to you? 

From the production/service standpoint Team Perka takes pride in a consciousness that encourages a total minimization of “waste” – taking into account the whole “system or process” of that effort.  For that our costs are controlled while being able to still “afford” high levels of conscientiousness for quality.

For example most of the paper used at Perka headquarters is reused or recycle.   From using the back side of no longer “good” paper, to using shredded paper for packaging, to bringing paper to the recycling stations.  We keep costs in check – we can keep our price to you in check…  That said – it must still nonetheless be done with an awareness of the total resource cost (entire loop) of doing so.  i.e. if used paper is damage, filled with staples or otherwise not good for immediate use – there is awareness of the cost to “make right” that paper for re-use.  So sometimes it’s not “worth” re-using or recycling if it will cost more to achieve that objective.  Do you get the idea?

Similarly with its Building designs, fabrication, delivery, field assembly to materials use – a similar mindset is constantly encouraged and striven for.  Of course we don’t live in a perfect world and “perfection” of this ideal is probably not a reasonable expectation.  But the idea that there is awareness for this goal is tantamount to achieving any goal to minimize waste, maximize resources and optimize product output, use and satisfaction.

Stay tuned for more Blog posts in the coming days that will sharing more benefits about Perka Building designs that are not only asset optimizing but also waste and liability minimizing.


One insulation application – three heat transfers addressed – YOU $AVE!

We recently received a GREAT question that lead to a fairly well presented and quite concise reply.

So we thought it would be a good thing to share it as part of this blog effort aiming at EDUCATION as much as any form of product promotion!!

J.C. Asked this question on a FACEBOOK post of building project we were doing:

What’s the difference between the insulation you sell with your buildings vs a spray foam?



“Great question J.C.  Actually on this particular building, for budget reasons, the insulation supplied was a lower cost (and unfortunately also a lower performing) conventional FIBERGLASS batt insulation with vinyl backing.  This insulation type has the traditional R-Values that most people are accustom to having.  The unfortunate part about that is it pretty much ONLY addresses conduction heat loss/gains, with some resistance to convection, (re: from the overlap).   So while it may meet “codes” for R-value — in the big scheme of things it generally under-performs compared to other types.

The other main insulation PERKA BUILDINGS offers is affectionately known as P2000 Insulation.  It is comprised of an Expanded Poly Styrene core board, of varying thicknesses, with either both sides covered with MYLAR or one with Mylar and one with a strong white Vinyl Barrier.

What this does, in effect, is directly addresses all three forms of heat loss/gains. While it does not actually carry a significant R-value like fiberglass does – it still quite effectively “stops” conduction much like how a foam cup prevents our hand from being scolded with hot coffee in it.  (And that is with only 1/8″ thick uncovered EPS – we typically use 5/8″ to an 1″ WITH COVERINGS!!).

Simple math!

Simple math!

Secondly to address Convection we TAPE ALL JOINTS with the same MYLAR type material and a strong DUCT TYPE TAPE on the white side. THAT pretty much will SEAL all the possible ‘cracks’ for any convection air flow.

Finally with a MYLAR (plastic) reflective material on at least ONE side – we also, very effectively, control heat loss/gains from RADIATION. i.e. in winter we KEEP any radiant type energy INSIDE the building and in summer prevent the HIGHLY penetrating SUN rays from virtually cooking everything inside!

So with our best offer, the P2000, you get a material that can address ALL THREE forms of heat transfer, and all with just ONE APPLICATION.

Note also that the EPS that is used in P2000, is a CLOSED cell type of foam – which has virtually an infinite shelf life from decomposition or drying.

Now, depending on the type of SPRAY FOAM you get – you will address at least two of the heat transfer types… (Note however some foams are not closed cell and can thus dry up and decompose over time.)  A thick enough foam will give great R-value and being fully applied throughout all the nooks and crannies,  will definitely prevent convection heat transfers.  Unfortunately without a radiant barrier of some sort, be it MYLAR or aluminum… you will still experience radiant heat penetrations.

One last note on the difference between MYLAR and ALUMINUM radiant barriers. Both can more than adequately reflect the radiation from any heat source, the main difference is that aluminum is also a METAL and can add BACK some conduction properties. While MYLAR is more like a PLASTIC (and by the way is also the same material used by NASA for most space insulators)… it actually has shown experiential properties of DIFFUSING the radiant heat as much as reflecting it back OUT!

One added thought here:  ADD to all these great benefits and features of a great insulation material like P2000 – a building that uses WOOD for the purlin/girt runs and you get an ADDED Thermo Break from wood being a HUGELY less (if significantly) at all conductor especially as compared to STEEL.  So this will also great help with your overall building’s insulation-ability!  



Make sense?  If you have ANY questions about any of this – feel free to call and speak to any TEAM PERKA Mate.  It is worth understanding this as it can literally save you hundreds of dollars in not only your installation costs but your overall energy costs as well!

Stay comfortable friends!!






Venus Project

Venus Project

The Venus Project operates out of a 21.5-acre Research Center located in Venus, Florida.

Proponents of this project say that when one considers the enormity of the challenges facing society today, we can safely conclude that the time is overdue for us to reexamine our values and to reflect upon and evaluate some of the underlying issues and assumptions we have as a society.  This self-analysis calls into question the very nature of what it means to be human, what it means to be a member of a “civilization,” and what choices we can make today to ensure a prosperous future for all the world’s people.

At present we are left with very few alternatives. The answers of yesterday are no longer relevant. Either we continue as we have been with our outmoded social customs and habits of thought, in which case our future will be threatened, or we can apply a more appropriate set of values that are relevant to an emergent society.

Experience tells us that human behavior can be modified, either toward constructive or destructive activity. This is what The Venus Project is all about – directing our technology and resources toward the positive, for the maximum benefit of people and planet and seeking out new ways of thinking and living that emphasize and celebrate the vast potential of the human spirit. We have the tools at hand to design – and build – a future that is worthy of the human potential. The Venus Project presents a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture. What follows is not an attempt to predict what will be done – only what could be done. The responsibility for our future is in our hands, and depends on the decisions that we make today. The greatest resource that is available today is our own ingenuity.

While social reformers and think tanks formulate strategies that treat only superficial symptoms, without touching the basic social operation, The Venus Project approaches these problems somewhat differently. They feel we cannot eliminate these problems within the framework of the present political and monetary establishment. It would take too many years to accomplish any significant change. Most likely they would be watered down and thinned out to such an extent that the changes would be indistinguishable

The Venus Project advocates an alternative vision for a sustainable new world civilization unlike any social system that has gone before. Although this description is highly condensed, it is based upon years of study and experimental research by many, many people from many scientific disciplines.

The Venus Project proposes a fresh approach–one that is dedicated to human and environmental concerns. It is an attainable vision of a bright and better future, one that is appropriate to the times in which we live, and both practical and feasible for a positive future for all the world’s people.

The Venus Project calls for a straightforward approach to the redesign of a culture, in which the age-old inadequacies of war, poverty, hunger, debt, environmental degradation and unnecessary human suffering are viewed not only as avoidable, but totally unacceptable.

One of the basic premises of The Venus Project is that we work towards having all of the Earth’s resources as the common heritage of all the world’s people. Anything less will simply result in a continuation of the same catalog of problems inherent in the present system.

Throughout history, change has been slow. Successive groups of incompetent leaders have replaced those that preceded them, but the underlying social and economic problems remain because the basic value systems have gone unaltered. The problems we are faced with today cannot be solved politically or financially because they are highly technical in nature. There may not even be enough money available to pay for the required changes, but there are more than enough resources. This is why The Venus Project advocates the transition from a monetary-based society to the eventual realization of a resource-based global economy.

We realize to make the transition from our present culture, which is politically incompetent, scarcity-oriented and obsolete, to this new, more humane society will require a quantum leap in both thought and action.

Food for thought eh?

In the meantime Perka Buildings forges ahead with a simple ideal on sustainability.  Build for the long haul preserves by not having to REDO things.  Use WOOD where WOOD serves best.  Use STEEL where STEEL is needed.  The combination of these offers a more sustainable approach to resources by minimizing waste, optimize energy efficiency while being a reachable attainable goal — HERE and NOW!

For more info on this project visit:

For more info on PERKA BUILDINGS – visit





Growing trend to Hybrid Steel And Wood Homes

Over the past several years we’ve been seeing trends towards building stronger homes.

As the building codes for commercial, industrial, institutional and even agriculture and residential structures have had to BEEF UP load tables due to increasing wind/snow limits (based on last 100 year patterns), more and more folks are looking to STEEL framing for their homes!  And why not?  If we’re going to beef up protection for our toys, hard assets and animals it makes sense to do so for our families and loved ones!  YES?

Since making a home in ALL STEEL can have some of the “disadvantages” found in building with Steel frames  & Steel Purlins/Girts ( & ( more and more folks are looking to the BEST of both worlds —  The PERKA PREFAB WOOD STEEL HYBRID BUILDING SYSTEM!!!

Not only do you get STRENGTH where STRENGTH is needed by using Structural Steel Main Frames for the super structure – you also get flexibility and warmth where you would need those best by using THERMO BREAKING wood purlins and girts.  (Find many more great reasons here:

Many are concerned, however, if it will look and feel like a “steel shed”???  Our answer is an emphatic NO!

Besides saying that,  you will also have ALL KINDS of flexibility in your construction by NOT having many of the limitations conventional wood / stick built homes have:


1. You WILL have easy OPEN clear span spaces to design rooms/walls how and where you want,

2. Hybrid shell design ALSO allows for EASY and EFFECTIVE insulation options for a consistently WARM or COOL, COZY and COMFORTABLE home.

3. This same hybrid shell and Perka’s UNIQUE stand alone Structural Steel frame design allows you to be able to finish your outside envelope wall(s) and roof with ANY FINISH!  You do not have to use steel panels!!

These are just some of the advantages…  (Visit links above for even MORE!)…

I know — words are words, and sometimes don’t carry much weight  —  so how about some pictures? …  and you can thus SEE for yourself!  RIGHT?

Have a look:




Matching house and garage designs are a cinch.

Matching house and garage designs are a cinch.



Your imagination is the only real limit

Your imagination is the only real limit


Easily added porches and decks

Easily added porches and decks


By combining different frames and models you can achieve ANY layout or look!

By combining different frames and models you can achieve ANY layout or look!


I know this is a church - but it shows brick finish and architecture...

I know this is a church – but it shows brick finish and architecture…


Multi frame layout

Multi frame layout


Creative back yards with deck overlook.

Creative back yards with deck overlook.


Nice brick front finish with patio entrance way.

Nice brick front finish with patio entrance way.



Nice and cozy...

Nice and cozy…



Easy to combine home and shop in a picturesque setting...

Easy to combine home and shop in a picturesque setting…


Nice and cozy on inside too!

Nice and cozy on inside too!


Nice high ceilings for added open air comforts

Nice high ceilings for added open air comforts


How about waking up to this view???

How about waking up to this view???





Makes for very nice settings...

Makes for very nice settings…


Stucco finish is easy!

Stucco finish is easy!


Windows of any shape...  just pot them in.

Windows of any shape… just pot them in.


Want a fancy porch?

Want a fancy porch?


Full bay windows too!

Full bay windows too!




How about a grand entrance?

How about a grand entrance?


Need a hip roof!

Need a hip roof!



Santa Fe Style.

Santa Fe Style.


Easy to finish

Easy to finish


Make for easy breezeways.

Make for easy breezeways.


Easy to decorate.

Easy to decorate.


Nice ceiling beams

Nice ceiling beams



Home Shop Combo

Home Shop Combo


Nice big clear span halls

Nice big clear span halls


Large family gatherings?

Large family gatherings?



Lotsa space...

Lotsa space…


Interiors built just like any other...

Interiors built just like any other…


Fancy stone front

Fancy stone front



Man cave anyone?

Man cave anyone?


Nice all wood finish with custom door ways?

Nice all wood finish with custom door ways?





Wet bar?

Wet bar?


Even steel cladding can still look nice.

Even steel cladding can still look nice.


Need a fireplace?  No problem!

Need a fireplace? No problem!


Jerry Burtnett 136

Clean, practical lines.



Let your imagination FLY!!


Nice head room

Nice head room


Spacious Kitchen...

Spacious Kitchen…

Pole Barn Comparison with Perka Hybrid Open Joist Building Models

Look over these illustrations comparing a typical Perka Model 4000 Hybrid System Building Frame and a Pole Barn.

woodvsperka1 woodvsperka2

What do you see?

1. Do you notice a difference in head room?  Is this important to you?

2. Do you notice how you can get a HIGHER – BIGGER door in a lower profile (eave height) building?  Is this important to you?

3. Do you notice the extra space you might find in BETWEEN each frame or rafter?  Could this be of importance to you?

What else do you see?

We invite your comments, suggestions, opinions which you can share by emailing to

Or feel free to call and discuss with any of our PERKA TEAM MATES at 800-467-3752.








Wood vs Steel = No Brainer

Someone once said that KNOWLEDGE is power… 

The FACT is — it’s the USE of KNOWLEDGE that is POWER!


OK….  so without “thinking” which would you choose? —
regardless of purpose?


There is much written about the benefits of wood AND steel.

The POWER is in KNOWING where and when to use EACH!

Someone also said —  a PICTURE is worth 1000 words.
Well here are just two!


NOW.  KNOWING THIS…  what do you think?



… YES – Perka –  World Class Buildings served by World Class Teammates.


For a live discussion on this topic and MORE PICTURES visit:


How does Team Perka view quality?


Custom built Residence made with a Perka Hybrid (M4600) building! Getting Maximum Use Benefit here!!

Quality in a product or service is not in what a supplier puts INTO them, it is what a client GETS OUT OF THEM. 

We believe clients should only pay for what is of use to them and gives them value in the big picture, at the completion of the project and over time.   This is a fundamental understanding and intention of those who make up our family: “Team Perka”.

(Paraphrased from Peter F. Drucker quote)



More of what others are saying about TEAM PERKA!!



Reply by RM on July 25, 2009 at 11:54pm

Team Perka as an organization/business has great customer service that gives the contractor instant credibility with his clients.
Team Perka’s willingness to embrace alternative building techniques greatly helps them become leaders in the growing green sustainable buildings industry.  Keeping costs down in this building climate and showing them a home or building that saves money, and not just a little but allot is so needed, still quite rare but so WELCOMED from TEAM PERKA.
Perka’s Hybrid designs saves people money from the very start and this really needs to highlighted and appreciated. As a nation and industry that spends BILLIONS of dollars every year, we really need to wake up (educate) ourselves to SUSTAINABLE building concepts.  Getting contractors to use designs like Perka’s prefab WOOD STEEL HYBRID buildings is very important… because they understand your stance on sustainability and green technologies.
In my opinion, the soul of a company is just as important as the quality of the product. Supporting companies that are going the extra mile to help save resources and promote a movement towards responsible and aware construction is more important then just looking at up front costs/price.  A more long term look at costs (waste, Trusted Roofing, energy, maintenance, etc.) must be take.
With that said, the complete Perka designed Hybrid package becomes an affordable product… and one that is now being marketed by a company that has a solid and thoughtful green outlook.
I just wanted to offer my view point from the customer side. Team Perka’s staff is just great and I am inspired by the Team Leader’s enthusiasm for the next generation for our collective building industry.  Having the wisdom to see whats around the corner is going to ensure a great position and standing of visionary leadership in the building industry. RM
For more info contact TEAM PERKA at 800-467-3752 or email to or visit