#DWC! – Don’t Wait Communicate.
The ten current most popular hashtags on Instagram are:
(Source: https://influencermarketinghub.com/25-most-popular-instagram-hashtags/)
#love, #instagood, #photooftheday, #fashion, #beautiful, #happy, #cute, #tbt, #like4like, #followme.
Each one potentially triggering an emotional urge to click on it to bring people ever more together through cyberspace relationship building.
To also help save on space and also share one’s particular thoughts or sentiments – acronyms are used in lieu of several words…
5 of the more popular hashtag acronyms are:
(Source: https://sproutsocial.com/insights/social-media-acronyms/)
TMI – Too much information.
WBU – What about you?
WBW – Way back Wednesday. Follows the same theme as FBF and TBT.
WFH – Work from home.
YOLO – You only live once.
And there are acronyms used to support that a photo or post reply in an effort to get straight to a point. Like the following:
DM me. – Send me a direct message as the whole world does not need to know!
ELI5 please. – Explain to me like I am 5 years old please? Or KISS please? Keep it simple and (succinct)!
ICYMI – In case you missed it – (so as not to be presumptuous that you didn’t) here is what happened… (again)!
CTO – Check this out!!! How cool is this?
LB – Like back. As in a request to like back!!! This is sometimes used to try to get people to get more “hits” to feed into algorithms to get more organic exposure for “search engine optimization” – SEO!! Sometime considered a bit “arrogant” but it seems to work in some circles!