Chasing Perfection, Catching Excellence
In 1959, American football coach and legend Vince Lombardi inspired the Green Bay Packers, and the world, when he said, “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.”
That said, how often do we feel as though we are chasing perfection to no avail. Running around in an endless loop, pursuing something that seems unattainable. And it is exhausting! Many people quickly do realize that perfection is impossible, but they do not like that answer. Instead of looking AT the progress, many just quit altogether. Why do they give up on their goals, and how can we break that pattern?
Why people quit 1.0: staring at failure. We often catch ourselves looking at everything that goes wrong, and that can be extremely disheartening. Why don’t we look more to what can go right? Often it is difficult to set our gaze beyond our failures. We have all heard that old cliche: “Every failure is a new opportunity”. But sometimes, listening or hearing that phrase can be even more frustrating, because we are unable to see what that new opportunity actually is.
The American inventor Thomas Edison said it best: “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” In some situations, if we never find the 10,000 wrong ways, we may never find the one RIGHT way! We must not see our shortcomings as a failure; let us view it as an unusable path. Keep track of your unusable paths, certainly to avoid them in the future, and we will soon be on a certain road to success!
Why people quit 2.0: distractions. Cacophony. Clamor. Din. Hubbub. Pandemonium. Racket. Hullabaloo. They all mean the same thing- “noise”. #bignoise. With our typical everyday hustle-and-bustle, it is pretty easy to become distracted. Whether it is due to audible noise, the noise from endless tweets and social media post, or the noise that comes from inside our own heads, we often take our “eyes off the prize” and become bogged down, totally distracted and off course. With everyone, be it our boss, kids, spouse, parents, pets, neighbors, alter ego – constantly needing something, we can mis-use our time that could better be used to focus on our goals. That is why Team Perka is here for you.
Perka Hybrid Buildings offers noise free and very affordable building designs, which can be perfect for when you need to work close to home… but not too close. Structures also known as a “man cave” or “she shed” (or how about a “dream destination”, “plan place”, or “house of hopes”), TEAM PERKA is in the business of helping man and woman kind – be safer, happier, healthier and kinder.
They aspire to be a presence so that you can find your solution to create a space for your private, quiet time to “formulate, focus, pursue and attain your dreams” without or with at least LESS, of the usual distractions and NOISE! Our favorite goal is to help you attain yours, and we are committed to doing everything in our power to ensure that your very own space is exactly what you want and need.
Why people quit 3.0: unwillingness to change/grow. No one likes or ever wants to be told that they are wrong. No one wants to believe that their method is inferior. Most people simply lack the willingness to change. This is a major hindrance in achieving progress. Some people are just looking for perfection, but they do not want to take the time to learn, improve, and to focus on personal advancement. This is an issue that is often rooted in a certain stubbornness and pride; an “I’m just right, you’re wrong, and you can’t convince me otherwise” mindset. Unfortunately, that attitude generally gets everyone NO-WHERE. If you are willing to listen and can be open to change, while there is still a possibility that your ideas might fail, there is much HOPE there. To totally refuse to listen to possible ideas and differing perspectives from your peers and adapt, adjust or evolve your ideas to make them the best they can be, will almost certainly guaranty that you will definitely not find any perfection, excellence or happiness for that matter.
If you wish to have a partner to help with building choices, our trained and dedicated advisors also known as Team Perka are here to assist you, to adapt with you and for you. One of our core values is flexibility. We strive to have flexible personalities, to be able to take whatever comes our way and adapt – roll with the punches; AND similarly our buildings are flexible, able to also change, adjust and adapt in order to suit varying and sometimes forced pivots.
Why people quit 4.0: fear. This explanation could go on and on. There is fear of failing, fear of what your peers will think, fear of letting others down, fear of letting yourself down, even fear of success. These, of course, all stem from that goal of and being totally attached to “perfection”.
However, if you “strive for perfection and are willing to catch excellence”, none of these fears can ever dominate. If you catch excellence, you haven’t failed, you haven’t let anyone down, not even yourself. Of course, the first step to conquering these fears (and to catching excellence) is to begin the journey by SHOW UP to take the first step. Set your goals, and then figure out ways to achieve them! It may not be perfect. It does not HAVE to be really! — But it certainly will feel excellent once you’ve begun on the path towards your dreams! Progress is the key. Tony Robbins says that the MAIN ingredient to HAPPINESS is not possessions, destinations, or even permanently bliss filled relationships… it is growth and making PROGRESS towards something! It is the Journey!!
At Perka, we want to join with you, to help you, to progress on that path, on that journey as you pursue your goals… towards an ever evolving better today! Contact us and let us know how we can be a part of your journey!