All the wonderful traditions of Christmas and Holiday gatherings offer us a great opportunity to take a breath, think about where we are at in our personal evolution and appreciate any and all of our blessings… Like YOU!
And if we are experiencing challenging times and/or having tough experiences we can also realize that they usually offer great opportunity… for new realizations.
i.e. We actually can choose to focus on some of the non-tangible aspects of our existence and consciously take action to connect with our loved ones in true Christmas Presence!
And as part of the “presents” that we’ve been gifted this year there are 4 things that stand out:
1. The rewards we received were typically in exact proportion to the SERVICE we gave.
2. The more energy, effort or “work” we applied the greater it seemed our “payback” was!
3. How we treated others always seemed to be almost exactly how we were treated in return.
4. And as long as we focused on IMPROVING things every day (not dwelling on any shortcomings) things DID improve, in many ways, day by day…
This Holiday season we would like to offer you our “Presence” – as Service, as Effort, as and in the exact manner we would like to be treated…
And so as fellow humans being, (brothers/sisters) we wish to offer you, that you need never have to face a challenge alone… if there is ever ANYTHING in (our) stewardship that can be of service to you, IT IS THERE FOR YOU AS WELL. JUST ASK!
As you would be there for your family, friends, neighbors, clients,
Even after Christmas 2013 becomes a beautiful memory, we pray that each new day brings us renewed realizations of our connectedness as friends, family, neighbors and humans being.
Let us BE the Reason for this Season… and may that Season be EACH AND EVERY DAY!
From all your friends, family, neighbors at TEAM PERKA!

“Joyeux Noel!!”