Venus Project

Venus Project

The Venus Project operates out of a 21.5-acre Research Center located in Venus, Florida.

Proponents of this project say that when one considers the enormity of the challenges facing society today, we can safely conclude that the time is overdue for us to reexamine our values and to reflect upon and evaluate some of the underlying issues and assumptions we have as a society.  This self-analysis calls into question the very nature of what it means to be human, what it means to be a member of a “civilization,” and what choices we can make today to ensure a prosperous future for all the world’s people.

At present we are left with very few alternatives. The answers of yesterday are no longer relevant. Either we continue as we have been with our outmoded social customs and habits of thought, in which case our future will be threatened, or we can apply a more appropriate set of values that are relevant to an emergent society.

Experience tells us that human behavior can be modified, either toward constructive or destructive activity. This is what The Venus Project is all about – directing our technology and resources toward the positive, for the maximum benefit of people and planet and seeking out new ways of thinking and living that emphasize and celebrate the vast potential of the human spirit. We have the tools at hand to design – and build – a future that is worthy of the human potential. The Venus Project presents a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture. What follows is not an attempt to predict what will be done – only what could be done. The responsibility for our future is in our hands, and depends on the decisions that we make today. The greatest resource that is available today is our own ingenuity.

While social reformers and think tanks formulate strategies that treat only superficial symptoms, without touching the basic social operation, The Venus Project approaches these problems somewhat differently. They feel we cannot eliminate these problems within the framework of the present political and monetary establishment. It would take too many years to accomplish any significant change. Most likely they would be watered down and thinned out to such an extent that the changes would be indistinguishable

The Venus Project advocates an alternative vision for a sustainable new world civilization unlike any social system that has gone before. Although this description is highly condensed, it is based upon years of study and experimental research by many, many people from many scientific disciplines.

The Venus Project proposes a fresh approach–one that is dedicated to human and environmental concerns. It is an attainable vision of a bright and better future, one that is appropriate to the times in which we live, and both practical and feasible for a positive future for all the world’s people.

The Venus Project calls for a straightforward approach to the redesign of a culture, in which the age-old inadequacies of war, poverty, hunger, debt, environmental degradation and unnecessary human suffering are viewed not only as avoidable, but totally unacceptable.

One of the basic premises of The Venus Project is that we work towards having all of the Earth’s resources as the common heritage of all the world’s people. Anything less will simply result in a continuation of the same catalog of problems inherent in the present system.

Throughout history, change has been slow. Successive groups of incompetent leaders have replaced those that preceded them, but the underlying social and economic problems remain because the basic value systems have gone unaltered. The problems we are faced with today cannot be solved politically or financially because they are highly technical in nature. There may not even be enough money available to pay for the required changes, but there are more than enough resources. This is why The Venus Project advocates the transition from a monetary-based society to the eventual realization of a resource-based global economy.

We realize to make the transition from our present culture, which is politically incompetent, scarcity-oriented and obsolete, to this new, more humane society will require a quantum leap in both thought and action.

Food for thought eh?

In the meantime Perka Buildings forges ahead with a simple ideal on sustainability.  Build for the long haul preserves by not having to REDO things.  Use WOOD where WOOD serves best.  Use STEEL where STEEL is needed.  The combination of these offers a more sustainable approach to resources by minimizing waste, optimize energy efficiency while being a reachable attainable goal — HERE and NOW!

For more info on this project visit:

For more info on PERKA BUILDINGS – visit





Growing trend to Hybrid Steel And Wood Homes

Over the past several years we’ve been seeing trends towards building stronger homes.

As the building codes for commercial, industrial, institutional and even agriculture and residential structures have had to BEEF UP load tables due to increasing wind/snow limits (based on last 100 year patterns), more and more folks are looking to STEEL framing for their homes!  And why not?  If we’re going to beef up protection for our toys, hard assets and animals it makes sense to do so for our families and loved ones!  YES?

Since making a home in ALL STEEL can have some of the “disadvantages” found in building with Steel frames  & Steel Purlins/Girts ( & ( more and more folks are looking to the BEST of both worlds —  The PERKA PREFAB WOOD STEEL HYBRID BUILDING SYSTEM!!!

Not only do you get STRENGTH where STRENGTH is needed by using Structural Steel Main Frames for the super structure – you also get flexibility and warmth where you would need those best by using THERMO BREAKING wood purlins and girts.  (Find many more great reasons here:

Many are concerned, however, if it will look and feel like a “steel shed”???  Our answer is an emphatic NO!

Besides saying that,  you will also have ALL KINDS of flexibility in your construction by NOT having many of the limitations conventional wood / stick built homes have:


1. You WILL have easy OPEN clear span spaces to design rooms/walls how and where you want,

2. Hybrid shell design ALSO allows for EASY and EFFECTIVE insulation options for a consistently WARM or COOL, COZY and COMFORTABLE home.

3. This same hybrid shell and Perka’s UNIQUE stand alone Structural Steel frame design allows you to be able to finish your outside envelope wall(s) and roof with ANY FINISH!  You do not have to use steel panels!!

These are just some of the advantages…  (Visit links above for even MORE!)…

I know — words are words, and sometimes don’t carry much weight  —  so how about some pictures? …  and you can thus SEE for yourself!  RIGHT?

Have a look:




Matching house and garage designs are a cinch.

Matching house and garage designs are a cinch.



Your imagination is the only real limit

Your imagination is the only real limit


Easily added porches and decks

Easily added porches and decks


By combining different frames and models you can achieve ANY layout or look!

By combining different frames and models you can achieve ANY layout or look!


I know this is a church - but it shows brick finish and architecture...

I know this is a church – but it shows brick finish and architecture…


Multi frame layout

Multi frame layout


Creative back yards with deck overlook.

Creative back yards with deck overlook.


Nice brick front finish with patio entrance way.

Nice brick front finish with patio entrance way.



Nice and cozy...

Nice and cozy…



Easy to combine home and shop in a picturesque setting...

Easy to combine home and shop in a picturesque setting…


Nice and cozy on inside too!

Nice and cozy on inside too!


Nice high ceilings for added open air comforts

Nice high ceilings for added open air comforts


How about waking up to this view???

How about waking up to this view???





Makes for very nice settings...

Makes for very nice settings…


Stucco finish is easy!

Stucco finish is easy!


Windows of any shape...  just pot them in.

Windows of any shape… just pot them in.


Want a fancy porch?

Want a fancy porch?


Full bay windows too!

Full bay windows too!




How about a grand entrance?

How about a grand entrance?


Need a hip roof!

Need a hip roof!



Santa Fe Style.

Santa Fe Style.


Easy to finish

Easy to finish


Make for easy breezeways.

Make for easy breezeways.


Easy to decorate.

Easy to decorate.


Nice ceiling beams

Nice ceiling beams



Home Shop Combo

Home Shop Combo


Nice big clear span halls

Nice big clear span halls


Large family gatherings?

Large family gatherings?



Lotsa space...

Lotsa space…


Interiors built just like any other...

Interiors built just like any other…


Fancy stone front

Fancy stone front



Man cave anyone?

Man cave anyone?


Nice all wood finish with custom door ways?

Nice all wood finish with custom door ways?





Wet bar?

Wet bar?


Even steel cladding can still look nice.

Even steel cladding can still look nice.


Need a fireplace?  No problem!

Need a fireplace? No problem!


Jerry Burtnett 136

Clean, practical lines.



Let your imagination FLY!!


Nice head room

Nice head room


Spacious Kitchen...

Spacious Kitchen…

Pole Barn Comparison with Perka Hybrid Open Joist Building Models

Look over these illustrations comparing a typical Perka Model 4000 Hybrid System Building Frame and a Pole Barn.

woodvsperka1 woodvsperka2

What do you see?

1. Do you notice a difference in head room?  Is this important to you?

2. Do you notice how you can get a HIGHER – BIGGER door in a lower profile (eave height) building?  Is this important to you?

3. Do you notice the extra space you might find in BETWEEN each frame or rafter?  Could this be of importance to you?

What else do you see?

We invite your comments, suggestions, opinions which you can share by emailing to

Or feel free to call and discuss with any of our PERKA TEAM MATES at 800-467-3752.







Are you thinking of a farm Quonset Building or a Staightwall?

Good choices indeed.

In fact when we (Perka) started back in 1981, Quonset Buildings were REAL popular.  They were cost effective shelter buildings, fairly easy for the do it yourselfer and readily available with dozens of manufacturers making them all over North America!

Fast forward 30+ years —  and they are still relatively cost effective (though alot less so) and not much has really changed about them so they are still relatively easy to put up, if you like putting in thousands of bolts to put it all together!

Back then they were “sold” without much engineering calculations to support them.  Today there is much more of that available – but of course it closed the gab in the cost range.   If you are going to build something to CODE – it must be able to withstand the earth quake, wind and snow loads…  So they had to beefed up in many cases to do that.  Just like with Pole Buildings or Stick Built structures – if not built to code — SURE THEY WILL BE CHEAP!  If they are — the price will go up – and sometimes quite significantly!  So it’s always about EDUCATING yourself and KNOWING what it is you are really buying!

With alot less manufacturers – shipping costs can be a significant add on too.  Something else to watch for.

Another thing to be careful about is – actual “size comparisons”!!!   A 40 foot wide Quonset will not have the same VOLUME of space as a straight wall.  And even between straight wall designed buildings some have BOTTOM CORDS with TRUSSING all above that and so you will get LESS HEAD ROOM!  Get some sketches with dimensions if you can!

Below is an example comparing the Quonset sizes on a “40-19” model vs and 40-14 Perka Model 4000 Hybrid!

The moral of this story here is: —  ASK QUESTIONS.  Know what you are buying — hopefully BEFORE you do that!

The Common Law of business balance by Ruskin sums this up best:

“There is hardly anything in the world that someone cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price alone are that person’s lawful prey. It’s unwise to pay too much, but it’s worse to pay too little. When you pay too much, you lose a little money — that is all. When you pay too little, you sometimes lose everything, because the thing you bought was incapable of doing the thing it was bought to do. The common law of business balance prohibits paying a little and getting a lot — it can’t be done. If you deal with the lowest bidder, it is well to add something for the risk you run, and if you do that you will have enough to pay for something better.”

The question is will you be able to afford actually paying for it LATER (usually more), if you don’t put some extra in NOW!

Make sense?

Here is that comparison!



If you have ANY questions about ANYTHING regarding buildings — there are some pretty good chances TEAM PERKA can help!  We have over a century of industry experience here and been actually putting building SOLUTIONS together for OVER 30 years!

Feel free to call 800-467-3752.  WE LOVE TO HELP!


Wood vs Steel = No Brainer

Someone once said that KNOWLEDGE is power… 

The FACT is — it’s the USE of KNOWLEDGE that is POWER!


OK….  so without “thinking” which would you choose? —
regardless of purpose?


There is much written about the benefits of wood AND steel.

The POWER is in KNOWING where and when to use EACH!

Someone also said —  a PICTURE is worth 1000 words.
Well here are just two!


NOW.  KNOWING THIS…  what do you think?



… YES – Perka –  World Class Buildings served by World Class Teammates.


For a live discussion on this topic and MORE PICTURES visit:


How does Team Perka view quality?


Custom built Residence made with a Perka Hybrid (M4600) building! Getting Maximum Use Benefit here!!

Quality in a product or service is not in what a supplier puts INTO them, it is what a client GETS OUT OF THEM. 

We believe clients should only pay for what is of use to them and gives them value in the big picture, at the completion of the project and over time.   This is a fundamental understanding and intention of those who make up our family: “Team Perka”.

(Paraphrased from Peter F. Drucker quote)



How about another 7?? (Good reasons to build a Perka?)



Here are 7 more GREAT Reasons Why it would serve you well to put up a Perka Building System.

Continuuing from 2 previous post at:  AND –
15. 50 year factory warranty on Perka Frames  – We put our money where our mouth is.  Most other companies only offer one year.  Or more with all kinds of conditions!!   PERKA IS MADE TO LAST!

16. Because we typically use expandable ends, future additions or building expansions are made easily.  All you have to do is take out the posts, girts and sheeting and add on another frame.  If you are thinking of the FUTURE we can make that work easily for you!!

17. We’ve been awarded the Gold Key of Excellence 9 times and 6 years in a row.   This is voted on by contractors and we receive it for our commitment to superior service and quality.  WE BELIEVE IN DELIVERING ONLY THE BEST FOR OUR CLIENTS!

18. With Perka, while we do have a standard roof pitch for our prefab hybrid buildings — we can design the building with ANY pitch you want.  No cookie cutter designs that will limit you.  Always “MADE TO ORDER”!

19. We can even mix wood with steel to the point that you can have a wood frame with clear spans on one end and steel or steel expandable frames on the other end and for all clear spans we would use steel.  TOTALLY FLEXIBLE AND INGENIOUS DESIGNS!

20. We have over 500 different frames with 5000 different configurations.  There is no need to be “stuck” with a particular configuration…  WHATEVER YOU NEED – WE GOT IT!

21. Since you are reading this – you are probably in the top 10% of the informed building consumer public.   This means you are doing your homework and you deserve the absolute RIGHT BUILDING, FOR YOU, based on YOUR NEEDS.  And THAT is what we do BEST as TEAM PERKA.   We listen and we will deliver.  Call us now – 800-467-3752.  WE LOVE TO HELP!

7 More Great reasons to help you BUILD STRONG!



Here are 7 MORE GREAT Reasons Building with Perka can serve you BEST!

8. Because of the use of steel frames (trusses) for core super structure you can have wider spans and longer bay spacings than wood buildings. This makes for easier floor planning by being more flexible and practical!

9. Because steel frames have longer bays and wider spans, you can have fewer columns and this means less foundation “holes” than wood (pole) buildings.  Plus having columns sitting on piers is always better than wood poles in the ground.  In fact most poles actually do not meet codes.  (See:  This makes your building more durable!

10. Perka offers TOTAL Design flexibility; you can get the EXACT building you want and need, not one that might work for you.  We can design and build to the INCH…   If you need anything more – ASK!  (ie. Inside width and height can be made to the inch and the length is endless.) YOUR PLAN is what we derive the BEST SOLUTIONS FOR!!

11.  Perka has IN HOUSE house design team – we have our own engineers, draftsman and detailers who check and recheck all our designs for OPTIMUM efficiency and accuracy.  And we can tailor the building EXACTLY how you want it!  YOU GET QUALITY FRAMES, MADE FOR YOU, THAT YOU KNOW WILL FIT TOGETHER!

12. You can get anchor bolt plans in less than 5 days, engineered data drawings in 7-10 days and the building can be delivered in as little as 3-6 weeks.  If you have any special circumstance we will always do our best towork something out WITH you. You can count on FAST NEIGHBORLY SERVICE!

13. Perka’s unique steel frame STAND ALONE design permits for UNLIMITED exterior finish choices. By turning the wood purlins to a vertical position you can virtually add ANY finish you want. Just like a roof/wall in your house! You can have the nicest looking building in your area – with STEEL inside! Instead of looking like a “shed” it can look just like your house or existing business. EASY TO WORK WITH AND FINISH!

14. Perka has an easy to read and nicely detailed 32 page assembly guide made with the “Do-it-yourselfer” or carpenter builder in mind. PERKA BUILDINGS ARE REAL EASY TO PUT UP!


For more info and details on any of the above benefits and feature contact your PERKA TEAM MATE!



Here are 7 GREAT Reasons Why it would benefit you to purchase and build with a Perka PREFAB HYBRID WOOD STEEL BUILDING System.  (Put simply — for more detailed info – call your Perka TEAM MATE or find out who from HQ at 800-467-3752).

1. Using wood for the purlins and girts is a GREAT ENERGY SAVER….  Wood is NOT a conductor of hot or cold and energy costs are rising through the roof! You Save MONEY!

2. Perka’s attachment clips are pre-welded on!  NO assembly required by YOU or your contractor.   You Save Time!

3. Wood girts allow for easier door and window installations. Hammer and nails are easier than a blowtorch or welder. You can install the openings whenever and wherever you want. You get convenience and save Time & Money!

4. Because Perka spaces their wood purlins and girts typically at 24” inch centers, the interior is already prepped to be finished.  You don’t have to BUILD another building INSIDE your building to finish it!  Easy to work with!

5. With all steel buildings using steel ZEE purlins, Tek screws and washers are used to attach metal and typically in 5 years or so the screws and washers leak. Wood will not leak because the wood will swell to seal the hole. Maintenance Free building!

6. It is easier finding carpenters to put up a wood/steel building. Steel erectors cost more, have less flexibility and are generally often less “creative”.  Carpenters are often experienced tradesmen, with more options and usually with alot of creativity to make things work.  This makes building alot asier and less costly!

7. In the event of wind up-lift, snow or ice loads or fire, unlike typical ALL STEEL OR ALL WOOD DESIGNS you’ll never lose a whole building.  You may lose a bay but that’s it!  If a fire breaks out in a all steel building, because the metal twists and bends, the steel purlins pull the other frames in collapsing the whole building.  Perka Buildings have purlins and girts in wood – that burn up and allow the roof section to collapse but not the whole structure.   Also unlike WOOD poles and trusses, Perka’s STEEL frames are designed to stand alone…  AND in the case of that God Forbid Fire, this actually vents the heat and the Perka steel frame remains untouched. The frame survives, stands up and after the clean up, the building’s steel structure will be ready for new wood purlins and girts to be replaced and the new exterior to be put on.  A safer better investment!


For more in depth info contact TEAM PERKA at 800-467-3752 or email to

Pole Barn collapse… Educate yourself before you buy all wood!

Pole barn collapse kills 5 cows and injures 2 more.

Pole barn collapse kills 5 cows and injures 2 more.

Check out this link on the International Building Code Website regarding post frame/stick built/post and beam construction:;f=26;t=000885

It’s also reproduced below.

This is something you can share with friends, family, neighbors thinking of building with pole barns or post frame alternatives – we know these will be priced MUCH LOWER…  as they should be… question is: “is it really worth the risk?”

 Note there are post frame companies that do build to code…  but there is NO WAY they can price it much less if at all than our PERKA BUILDING Model 4000 – let alone the ECONO MODEL!

Cheaper is seldom “BETTER”!

 PASS IT ON — Knowledge is POWER!


I have a question for the code enforcement community as it pertains specifically to building code enforcement for post frame buildings. Why do you generally NOT require engineering design documents for post-frame buildings?

Post frame buildings are highly stressed, structurally indeterminate structures that most generally rely on wall sheathing (wood or metal sheathing) for stability. By my estimate there are a minimum of 10 connections and structural elements that require structural analysis to insure building code compliance. Checkout loanload for financial needs. A fairly comprehensive list for a simple building follows:

1. Main columns (posts) solid sawn or laminated
2. Post embedment (constrained and non-constrained)
3. Post footing thickness and diameter
4. Truss to post connection (uplift and down load)
5. Roof purlins
6. Wall girts
7. Wall sheathing
8. Roof sheathing
9. Gable wall posts
10. Lateral bracing for gable posts and trusses

The analysis of a post-frame building is more akin to aircraft analysis than stick-frame analysis. By the time a simple, box post-frame building is ready for review by the Building Department a design package should include about 23 pages of calculations and seven 8.5″ x 11″ (A size) drawings.

Since there is no prescriptive code for post-frame buildings (I would write one myself and FIRE all of these expensive engineers and designers if I could write one myself) and since the job of Building Officials and Plans Examiners is to insure building code compliance and, thereby, public health, safety and welfare, it seems reasonable to me that engineering documentation would generally be required for these structures. Not only is this not the case I find that a significant fraction of code enforcement officers and Building Departments are complicit in the circumvention of the building code.

There are several counties here in Oregon and Washington that actually hand out design documents whereby non-compliant, unsafe buildings are allowed to be permitted and constructed. I gathered up all of these documents that I could find and ran a structural analysis on them all. I found 400% overstresses in all cases. When I complained to the Engineers Board about this problem, they (the weenies) claimed to have no jurisdiction over the activities of Oregon Building Departments. I complained to the Building Codes Division of the State of Oregon. BCD claimed to not only not care about the situation they claimed that THEY had no jurisdiction over the local Building Departments. I might add that when I asked the President of the Engineers Board what he would do to me if I turned in such documents. He replied “Oh, we would revoke your license.” Indeed.

Non-engineered buildings fall down at an alarming rate. We had a little sprinkle of snow here in Oregon and Washington over Christmas of 2008. Afterward I took a tour of two Oregon counties with a contractor that I work with. He was licking his chops at all the building collapses. It looked like Godzilla had walked around in those counties. Buildings had gone down in less than half the local design snow load. And that was deemed to be an “Act of God”. It was no such thing. It was the act of a bunch of incompetent contractors and Building Departments that refused to do their job. 

I spoke to a woman recently whose building had blown over in a little puff of breeze the day after the contractor left the building site. The woman owned two acres and a llama. The county Building Department had done her a favor and given her an Ag Permit. The Ag Permit saved her money and kept her from having to comply with the Building Code. It also kept her out of the clutches of the engineers. Some favor. She had absolutely no recourse. The disheartening thing is that collapse could have been prevented by the installation of a few pieces of pressure treated wood that the contractor left behind in the scrap pile.

Oregon and Washington are not the only states that don’t enforce the Building Code for post-frame buildings. I am licensed in 38 other states and ALL of them hand out Ag Permits like candy. “It’s just a pole building, who cares?” I care because when one of them falls over or blows down I have to help pay for it through my increased insurance premiums. We all do. Hell, I did an as-built analysis on an equipment storage building for a county road department that had been ag permitted. When the road maintenance supervisor found out about it HE required the analysis not the county Building Official. 

I could go on. I won’t because I know I’m already boring everyone. But my question remains – Why don’t Building Departments enforce the building code? I’m sorry if I hurt any feelings out there but I personally believe that the building code is a good thing that insures the public health, safety and welfare. And I further believe that code enforcement officers and licensed design professionals should live up to the duties and obligations that have been entrusted to them by the citizenry. Thank you – Nicholas Jasper, PE

What is so different about Perka Buildings?

greenearthreclogoPerka Buildings manufactures their own proprietary stand alone sovereign steel frames that are specially designed for EZ install by unskilled labor as well as for Do-It-Yourselfers.

Furthermore, the Engineer’s design process puts the load on the Perka Frames without necessarily taking into account the extra re-inforcing that comes  from ADDING the side wall wood girts and the roof wood purlins.  On top of that there is also inherent “strength” in the total BUILDING SYSTEM that comes from adding the exterior envelope material – typically steel siding…   This offers much stronger steel frames and adds to the security of the building’s safety.

Most other pre fab building manufacturers design their structures as a SYSTEM.   These designs are very strict as wells as restrictive with regards to being able to make ANY changes after design.   They are typically designed ONE way and must remain so.  Also their built in SAFETY factor would be much narrower on a SYSTEM designed building over one like Perka’s as “stand alone” frames!

Perka is also very conscious of our product and overall business carbon footprint, and choose to incorporate features into our product process to save on materials, time and effort, not only for assembly, but for insulating, maintenance, future add ons and finish.

The Perka Frame is versatile and flexible enough to be able to accept virtually ANY earth friendly material for it’s envelope, thus not only facilitating the “organic home”, “ecobuilding” or ”Greening” ideals, but also provides a still very important concern for strength and integrity for structure and content safety, including a longer lifespan which is also consistent with a closed loop sustainable construct.

For more info about how Perka is always looking out for it’s clients of today as well as for the generations of the future contact any TEAM PERKA mate at 800-467-3752!

In it for the long haul!




Who exactly is a Perka Team Mate?

(Paraphrased from Father Athol Murray’s “The Notre Dame Man”. Father Murray was head of small High School “Notre Dame College” in Wilcox, Saskatchewan)

Our World today
is looking for men and women,
Who are not for sale. Who are honest,
Sound from center to circumference,
true to the heart’s core.
With consciences as steady as the needle to the pole.
Who are steadfast if the heavens totter and the earth reels.
Who can tell the truth and look the world right in the eye.
Who neither brag nor run – Who neither flag or flinch.
Who can have courage without shouting it.
Who know their message and tell it.
Who know their place and fill it.
Who know their business and attend to it.
Who will not lie, shirk or dodge.
Who are not too lazy to work.
Who are willing to eat what they have earned,
and wear what they have paid for.
Who are not ashamed to say “No” with emphasis.
Our World is looking for them, men and women,
who can unite around a common faith,
who can join hands in a common task .
Not only are they better prepared to fulfill their
duties to their world, they make a better friend,
a better husband, a better father,
a better wife, a better mother. Because free people do.
They are better prepared to live, and when their hour comes,
they will know better how to die, because free people do.

This, is a PERKA TEAM MATE.   Are you?

Would you like to join our TEAM?

Call us at 800-467-3752 or email to
